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BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan | by VAH

BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan UNIT OVERVIEW

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and monitor the implementation of the operational plan to provide efficient and effective workplace practices within the organization’s productivity and profitability plans.

Management at a strategic level requires systems and procedures to be developed and implemented to facilitate the organization’s operational plan.

This unit applies to individuals who manage the work of others and operate within the parameters of a broader strategic and business plan.


To achieve competency in this unit, students must demonstrate their ability to:

  1.  Develop operational plan

  2.  Plan and manage resource acquisition

  3.  Monitor and review operational performance

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

Develop and implement an operational plan using a variety of information sources and consultation (including using specialist advice if required), which includes:

  •  resource requirements

  •  key performance indicators

  •  monitoring processes

  •  contingency plans

Communicate effectively with relevant stakeholders to explain the plan and supporting information, seek approvals, negotiate variations and engage work teams to develop and implement strategies to achieve the operational plan within the organization’s policies, practices, and procedures, including:

  •  recruiting, inducting, and developing personnel

  •  acquiring physical resources and services

  •  protecting intellectual property

  •  making variations to the plan

  •  monitoring and documenting performance.

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

  •  describe models and methods for operational plans

  •  explain the role of an operational plan in achieving the organization’s objectives

  •  explain budgeting processes

  •  list alternative approaches to developing key performance indicators to meet business objectives

  •  outline the legislative and regulatory context relevant to the operational plan of the organization

  •  outline the organization’s policies, practices, and procedures directly related to the operational plan.


General Assessment Information

This information is designed to give you a full overview of the tasks you need to complete to be deemed competent in this unit. To be deemed competent in the relevant unit, you must achieve satisfactory performance in each assessment task. Where necessary, the assessment tasks are divided into parts or steps. These are designed to take you through a step-by-step approach to completing the activities.


First and foremost, please get in touch with your assessor to discuss any necessary adjustments that must be made before completing these tasks. The instructions for each of the assessment tasks are logically sequenced. If you have any questions, contact your assessor immediately. If there is a practical component to your assessment, you will need to discuss the arrangements for its completion with your assessor in advance.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Once you have completed all of the tasks, complete the Assessment Cover Sheet, sign the declaration, and forward along with your documentation to your assessor. It should be uploaded along with the assessment to the RTO Manager.

Submitting Assessment Tasks

All written assessment tasks must be typed and submitted with the provided cover sheet. Your trainer/assessor will tell you when assessments are due. Your responsibility is to ensure that assessment tasks are submitted on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated with your trainer in specific circumstances. You must request this before the due date, and extensions due to illness require a medical certificate. Your trainer/assessor will confirm extensions. Where assessment tasks are submitted following the conclusion of the unit of competency without a medical certificate or extension, a late submission fee for each assessment task will be charged.

Assessment Outcomes

There are two outcomes of assessment tasks: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more training and experience). You will be awarded C = Competent on completing the unit when you have achieved S for all completed assessment tasks and meet the performance criteria. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and be eligible to be re-assessed according to George Brown College policy. If you are deemed Not Competent by your assessor and require re-assessment, you will be informed of the process. A fee may be charged according to George Brown College policy. A certificate will not be awarded if all assessment tasks are not completed for a qualification. A Statement of Attainment for completed units of competency will be provided.

Your Results

Your assessor is committed to providing you with detailed feedback on the assessment outcomes and will guide areas for improvement. In most instances, you should only need to complete the assessment sections deemed unsatisfactory. However, it is essential to remember that depending on the task, it may be necessary to repeat the whole task (for example, presentations or the delivery of a training session).

You are entitled to view your results at any time by viewing them once they are uploaded on RTOManager.

Reasonable Adjustment

George Brown College supports individual differences in the learning environment and provides ‘reasonable adjustment’ in training and assessment activities to support every learner. However, suppose you have any special needs that make it challenging to complete your learning or assessments. In that case, you should discuss this with your assessor beforehand and be provided with reasonable alternatives to assist you in completing the required tasks, such as completing tests verbally or using an interpreter.

What happens if you disagree with the assessment result?

If you do not think the assessment process is valid, disagree with the decision once it is made, or believe that you have been mistreated, you can appeal. The first step is to discuss the matter with your trainer. Then, if you still do not agree with the results, refer to the GBC Complaints and Appeals Policy and speak to the Student Services Team.


While we may not be in a position to assist you with language training or specific LLN training, our assessors will work with you to ensure that you are supported throughout your qualification. If you require individual tutoring, this may attract an additional fee (see Student Handbook). Your assessor may offer support, or for more specialist support, you may need to contact GBC administration.

A Note on Plagiarism and Referencing

Plagiarism is a form of theft where the work, ideas, inventions, etc., of other people, are presented as your own. Information, ideas, etc., quoted or paraphrased from another source such as the Internet must be acknowledged with “quotation marks” around the relevant words/sentences or ideas and the source listed in brackets. You must also list the sources at the end of your assessment.

Sources of information, ideas, etc., must be provided in alphabetical order by author’s surname (including author’s full name, name of document/book/internet, etc., and year and place of publishing) or may be included in brackets in the text.

It is advisable never to copy another person’s work as a general rule. However, should it appear that a student’s work has been copied or does not appear to be authentic, you will be asked to speak to your Course Coordinator and required to re-submit it. A fee may be charged according to George Brown College policy.

Contacting the RTO

If you need further support or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Value Assignment Help team.


BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan

There are two (2) assessments for this unit:

1. Written Questions

This assessment consists of 18 questions to assess your ability to manage an operational plan. Most questions require a short answer, although you may answer using bullet points. You must answer all questions.

You will undertake this in the classroom and have two hours to complete this.

You can use various sources of information, including learning materials, workbooks, and the internet. You must list your sources.

2. Project

This project consists of 3 parts.

In Part A, you are required to develop an organizational plan for a proposed business.

In Part B, you are to develop a strategy for implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the plan, including acquiring resources.

In Part C, it is assumed that you have implemented the plan. You are to examine the scenario provided, which gives details of performance, including a financial statement, and then analyze it, identify areas of low performance and develop strategies for improvement. You are to then write this up in a report of 400 to 500 words.

A template for the organizational plan is provided, but you may access other plans if you prefer. You may work in pairs in the planning and development stage of the project, in the role of business partners, but you MUST submit your operational plan. In two stages of the project, you are required to present your plan and seek approval from ‘relevant parties’.

In the role of a bank manager, you must consult your assessor, who must approve before implementation and modification of the plan. Your assessor will advise you when each part is due.

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