Marketing for business manager assignment help Sample by VAH Experts
What does a business manager do?
A business manager is the employee of an organization who is placed at a managerial level and has the following duties and responsibilities:
Determining the opportunities that arise in the existing as well as the potential markets
Making a comprehensive budget and making sure that it adds the greatest value to the organization
Providing and organizing the necessary training needed by the employees
Take advantage of the market data available to improve the growth of the company
Make good relations with other managers and work with them to ensure that a long-term strategy for the organization is created
Develop different kinds of product innovations based on the needs and concerns of the customers.the customers.
Marketing for business manager assignment help Sample by VAH Experts
How is marketing related to management?
The role of marketing within the scope of management is of utmost importance as it helps to carry out the creation of customer relations within the organization. Marketing is that branch of function within the scope of management whose basic aim is meeting customer demands and all its planning and objectives revolve around customer demands.
As customers are the backbone of any organization and the management doesn’t interact with them, the role of marketing becomes more important for any organization. Also, it can be seen that though marketing is a separate branch of function, its activities are planned and laid down by the management and it is the managerial functions that evaluate, review and monitor all the marketing activities.
Marketing for business manager assignment help Sample by VAH Experts
Why is marketing important for managers?
Managers are responsible for the overall functions and growth of an organization. Marketing helps the managers achieve this objective by providing its benefits to the organization.
Such benefits include but are not limited to:
It helps to establish the most effective ways to reach out and influence the customers in order to help grow the sales of a business
It helps to stay strong against the competition of the industry and also beat them
It helps to find potential customers
It helps to retain existing customers
It helps the business to expand or find a niche according to their expansion plans
It helps to build and improve the reputation of the organization