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Research methodology assignment help
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Research Methodology: Assignment Help Research Methodology is part of all management assignments as it holds crucial data that define the solutions of a research task. Research methodology involves the steps adopted in pursuing the research to complete the assignment in the prescribed format.
Research Methodology online help is the platform of techniques used to scrutinize and analyze the sorted inf
Research methodology assignment help Sample
by VAH Experts
RES201 Updated on :
Feb 2025
What is the purpose of research?
Exploratory: As the name suggests, researchers perform exploratory studies to discover a set of questions. Answers and analyses cannot offer a conclusion to the perceived problem.
Descriptive: It focuses on developing knowledge on current issues through data collection. Descriptive research describes the behaviour of a sample population. Only one variable is required for the conduct of the study.
Research methodology assignment help Sample
by VAH Experts
Research Methodology Updated on :
Feb 2025
What are the research features?
Good research follows a systematic approach to get accurate data. Researchers must practice ethics and code of conduct when making observations or drawing conclusions.
The analysis is based on logical reason and includes inductive and deductive methods.
Real-time data and knowledge are derived from actual observations in natural settings.
All the data collected is thoroughly analyzed so that there is no discrepancy.
Research methodology assignment help Sample
by VAH Experts
Updated on :
Feb 2025
What is research?
Research is defined as the careful consideration of particular concern or problem using scientific methods. According to American sociologist Earl Robert Babie, "Research is a systematic investigation to describe, explain, predict, and control observed phenomena. It includes inductive and deductive methods."
Inductive research methods analyze an observed phenomenon, while deductive methods verify the observed phenomenon. Inductive approaches are associated with qualitative research, and deductive methods are usually associated with quantitative analysis.
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Research Methodology: Assignment Help Research Methodology is part of all management assignments as it holds crucial data that define the solutions of a research task. Research methodology involves the steps adopted in pursuing the research to complete the assignment in the prescribed format.
Research Methodology online help is the platform of techniques used to scrutinize and analyze the sorted information related to a specified subject and process the data researched from the available research papers.
A proper research method will help users substantiate the information for the readers and help to create authenticated data for evaluators to evaluate. In addition, the source authentication of the overall data will help establish the study's reliability and bind the evaluator with the prescribed information made available through the current research.
What is Research Methodology?
A research methodology outlines how given research is carried out. A research topic is identified and analyzed using techniques or procedures. Therefore, research methodology is concerned with how a researcher designs his study so that he can obtain valid and reliable results and fulfil his research objectives.
Types of Research Methods
Descriptive Research
Descriptive research is a form of research that includes surveys as well as a variety of fact-finding checks. This form of research focuses on describing the current state of affairs. Descriptive research is also called post-facto research.
This research form emphasizes factual reporting; the researcher cannot control the variables involved and only reports the details as they happened or as they are happening.
Analytical Research
Analytical research is a form of research where the researcher has to work with data and factual information available at his command and interpret this information to make a rapid assessment of the data.
Applied Research
Applied Research comes to the rescue when a business or society faces an issue that requires an immediate solution or solution.
We primarily use applied research to solve issues affecting our daily lives that affect our work, health or well-being. This research type is done to uncover solutions to issues related to different fields such as education, engineering, psychology or business.
Fundamental research
It is a research type mainly concerned with formulating a theory or understanding a particular natural phenomenon. Fundamental research aims to discover information with a broad application base while complementing existing concepts in a specific field or industry.
Quantitative research
Quantitative research, as the name suggests, is based on measuring the quantity or quantity of a particular phenomenon. It focuses on collecting and interpreting numerical data and can be adapted to discover averages or patterns or make predictions.
Qualitative research
As the name suggests, this research is more concerned with the quality of a certain phenomenon; it dives into the "why" and the "what". So, for example, let's consider a gender-neutral clothing store with more women than men.
Conceptual Research
Conceptual research is mainly defined as a method in which research is done on the current topic by observing and interpreting the existing information. It does not involve doing any practical experiments.
Empirical Research
It is a research method focusing only on aspects such as observation and experience without focusing on theory or methodology. It is based on data and can churn out conclusions that can be confirmed or verified through observation and experimentation. Empirical research is primarily done to determine the evidence that some variables affect others in a particular way.
Simplified Tips for writing reports and technicalities involved in Research Methodology: Assignment Help Online
Study the research paper
Pen down the questions that have been asked and highlight the objectives that are supposed to be addressed.
Collect all the relevant materials from your classwork and homework assignment
Start your research based on the relevant conditions mentioned in your research paper document and try to answer the reader of your article.
Sort all the data per the word count and save the research paper's data for inclusion.
Recreate all the data sorted with the information required in your original language to avoid plagiarism. Discuss the information and pen the relevance of all the corresponding data adopted through the research methodology.
Discuss the challenges and shortcomings and highlight the positive impact of the observation submitted in the articles.
Submit references as per the rubric set. Various referencing styles needed to be adopted for citations.
Present your data with relevant images.
Evaluate the data submitted as per the set guidelines mentioned in the rubric for good scores and grades. It would be best if you were the editor of your article.
Submit your research paper with the research methodology suggested by within the stipulated deadline.
For further information (Assignment Help) for creating and drafting your research paper through the various research methodologies, contact our subject experts for assistance and guidance. Value assignment help is the No1—online assignment helps providers assist with all online subject research papers. Our subject experts have delivered numerous quality assignments. In addition, we offer plagiarism-free content that is supposed to be used for reference only and not to be submitted in original.
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