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Marketing Concepts Services Assignment Help
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Marketing Concept Writing Services
With all products having such immense competition in the market- with their lookalikes and substitutes, it is important to focus on unique advertising that would engage your customers. An idea that the audience may relate to (Byju’s – make kids interested in studying on their own), an activity where they can participate (Saffola- if your heart rate remains stable while climbing
Marketing Concepts Services Assignment Help Sample
by VAH Experts
Marketing Updated on :
Feb 2025
What are the Benefits of Service Marketing?
When done correctly, service marketing offers many benefits to businesses. Primarily, better services can bring positive reviews, testimonials, and word-of-mouth referrals to the business. This is one of the best features of service marketing.
Prospects rely on the experiences of other customers similar to theirs. Therefore, great reviews can bring more customers to a service-based business and increase revenue.
Marketing Concepts Services Assignment Help Sample
by VAH Experts
MBMM4002. Updated on :
Feb 2025
What is the service triangle concept?
The service marketing triangle or service triangle, commonly called, outlines the relationship between different providers of services and the consumers who consume these services.
As we know, relationships are most essential in the service sector. The service triangle outlines all the relationships between the company, employees, and customers.
Marketing Concepts Services Assignment Help Sample
by VAH Experts
Updated on :
Feb 2025
What is Service Marketing Concepts?
The classification of service marketing involves including three characteristics of services in the marketing strategy: intangibility, variability, and the potential for perishability.
While these three characteristics can pose challenges for businesses, they can also be taken as opportunities. First, it is essential to understand what a service is and what makes it different from a product.
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With all products having such immense competition in the market- with their lookalikes and substitutes, it is important to focus on unique advertising that would engage your customers. An idea that the audience may relate to (Byju’s – make kids interested in studying on their own), an activity where they can participate (Saffola- if your heart rate remains stable while climbing the stairs multiple times, you get the product free for a year) or even innovative advertisements (Spotify- railway announcer singing songs) would make the audience remember your product for a long time.
Marketing concepts can be conceived and put to implementation through any medium and can be of various types. This article would further focus on :
Basics of a good marketing concept
Types of marketing concepts
A good marketing concept can help a business to engage its customers in ways that create customer loyalty. It eventually would lead to higher sales and profitability and a good market niche. To achieve all these benefits, the marketing concept formulated must be good and relatable to the customer.
Basics of a Good Marketing Concept :
Clarity: The marketing concept should be clear of what they want to put forward. The idea they want to communicate to the customer should be clear.
Future Target: Set the ultimate marketing goal that you want to achieve through the concept – is it higher sales, customer satisfaction, or higher visibility in the market. Set your strategy accordingly.
Goal Congruence: Having identified the idea that you want to convey and the marketing target that you have, make sure that it is by the objectives and goals of your organization.
Target Audience: Study the audience that you want to target, their preferences and needs, and what strategy would convince and persuade them the best.
7 P’s: After deciding everything, it is important to use the 7 P’s of marketing effectively – Product, Price, Process, Promotion, Positioning, Place, and People.
All the marketing concepts can be categorized into 4 types, based on the focus they have. Every concept has a different area of focus and an organization can follow just one or a combination of some or all of them.
Types of Marketing Concepts:
Production Concept: This concept is followed when the focus is to reduce cost and achieve higher production efficiency, to achieve mass distribution and availability of the product.
Product Concept: Having a superior quality product and improving on that quality being an ongoing process, can be another concept to be followed. Here the market niche can be made by satisfying customers and having the quality that none of your competitors can match.
Selling Concept: Making yourself get noticed by having out of the box, stand out and unique advertisement and promotion strategies can help with this concept.
The marketing concept as a whole aims to target a market and make sure that the customers are satisfied and their needs are met. It concentrates on making the marketing (visibility, approach, and availability) of your product so relatable that it leads to your higher sales and profits which would eventually make your organization a good competitor in the market.
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