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Blog Writing Services
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What are Blog Writing Services?
Blogs are now an imperative element of every company. With customers searching for something online, a blog is your best weapon for promotional material and the right move to drive visitors to your page. A blog is an excellent way to build your brand's personality and connect with potential consumers who want to learn something about you. New content always gets points with Google, and bl
Blog Writing Services Assignment Sample
by VAH Experts
Blog Writing Updated on :
Feb 2025
What does a blogger do?
Originally the blog was known as a "weblog". They were used so that people could write about their day-to-day activities. However, his daily actions became the material for his mini-sites, where he recorded his opinions, stories, photos, and videos. As a result, some mini-sites gained a following, and the blogging hobby was born.
Blog Writing Services Assignment Sample
by VAH Experts
DMK301 Updated on :
Feb 2025
What are the main features of a blog?
The blogging niche ranges from personal opinion to good research and expert opinion. Some of the most popular blogging are finance, beauty, travel, health, personal development, fashion, and fitness. Blogs, when written professionally, can influence politics, decisions, and businesses.
While some bloggers can draw people to their blog because of their celebrity status or impact elsewhere, others will have to put in plenty of effort to get traffic.
Blog Writing Services Assignment Sample
by VAH Experts
Updated on :
Feb 2025
What is the purpose of a blog?
There are many causes to start a blog for personal use and only a few solid reasons for blogging. However, blogging for business, projects, or anything else that can bring you money has a straightforward objective - to make your website rank higher in Google SERPs, that is, to increase your visibility.
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Blogs are now an imperative element of every company. With customers searching for something online, a blog is your best weapon for promotional material and the right move to drive visitors to your page. A blog is an excellent way to build your brand's personality and connect with potential consumers who want to learn something about you. New content always gets points with Google, and blogs are ideal for fueling your site with new content regularly. As fresh content enters your site, two situations arise – that is, the better concentration Google ranks for keyword phrases, the more visitors will find you. You create great content for your site with our blog writing services.
Advantages of Using a Blog Writing Service
1. Improve free time and focus for employees
Not every organization has employees who know how to write a blog. Even if they do, not every company wants to appropriate posts, particularly to online writing.
Often, employees are specified blog writing as assistants for a defined position. Blog writing services let your employees concentrate on the jobs they were hired to do.
2. Buying Experience and Versatility
Blog writing services are stretched with a cache of professional writers, generally with various skills from journalism to business marketing to practiced fields like healthcare or technology.
In-house blog writers are usually well-versed about your business or industry, but very little. On the other hand, a blog writing service gives versatility in the topics that can be dealt with.
3. Follow the correct deadline
Blog writing services are just like the newspapers of yesterday. Writers are required to set deadlines, and blog writing services weed out those who can't.
In-house blog writers who strive leave few options for companies to address it.
Provide your site with the compelling information your readers are seeking first. The content matching process begins for every blog entry, and it comes with some questions that a professional writer would need to know. Careful consideration of each blog post's path, purpose, and style implies that each deliverable has a position in the marketing campaign. You may also wish to have content beyond your website for a variety of outlets. In addition, our expert writers can create guest articles that help the company reach different audiences and develop connections.
2. Distribution and Promotion
During content generation, the blog content strategy does not end there. First, you must make sure that your target audience is aware of the excellent quality content on your blog. Promotion and distribution start here. You can find the most profitable series to share your content with your personal CMS and program manager. These can include developing an email marketing plan, social media posting for organic and sponsored media, sponsored content, and more.
3. Copy Refresh
Good physical age, like everything else. Trends are changing. There is additional open knowledge. Furthermore, your brands are not the only ones that speak to your target demographic, and someone else will eventually try to snatch the SERP content. With Copy Refresh, we are here to protect you. We will revise your content and guarantee that it addresses all required topics. An effective upgrade of your content can boost rankings, attract more visitors and ensure that your website has the most up-to-date and essential details.
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The most common question being asked is that are the referral &
reward programs similar to discount offers.
Ans: Referral and reward programs are benefits of referring any of your
contact for any of our available assignment services. Self-referencing is not counted.
A reference will be considered for referral & reward program post either an order is
placed & the terms of payments are completed with us or we receive a recommendation
from the referee talking about our services on our digital platform as per shared
Whereas Discount offers are the offers issued from time to time for your
current or upcoming orders.
(Refer to the Offers section in our website for
more details)
NOTE: The referral points will be awarded to you only in case of successful
(Post an order is placed & payments are received or
the recommendation is submitted & reviewed).
#Who is considered as a reference & when the same gets counted as
A reference will be considered post you share the required details of
your contact, the referee shares the reference code, accepts the terms of places an
order & payment is credited for the said assignment or for recommending our services as
per Value Assignment Help guidelines
Any reference will qualify only once your references place an order with us.
NOTE: Self-referencing will not qualify for the scheme.
#Types of Reference: What is in it for you?
Option1: Reference for placing an Assignment order or use of any of our
If the referred person places an order on the website of VAH you will be eligible to
earn Cash rewards or avail discount on your future orders as per the available scheme &
guidelines set by VAH.
Option 2: Reference for promoting & recommending our websites & services as per our
requirements & format template.
In case the referee submits recommendations for us on various platforms based on the
same we will be awarding you cash rewards or reward points for either en-cashing the
same or using it for a availing discount on your future orders.
#Process to redeem your points:
The referral points awarded to you can be used to either pay or adjust
for your upcoming order or can be en-cashed as per the minimum available points
required as per our guidelines in your kitty.
# Pointers to be kept in mind:
You cannot share your reward points to anyone or transfer to any third party.
Accumulated Reference points can be used only once by the referrer.
Email ID or mobile no�s already registered with us or in our database will not
be considered for referral benefits.
Referral will be considered only through submission in our websites and
offline mode will not be considered.
# Referral Program & its functioning
Users of can refer there friends or contacts by
following the given link on our website. Once the referral is completed as per the said
template he or she becomes the referrer and the person who has been referred become the
Each category has unique benefits to avail from the Refer-n-earn
Will generate an income ranging from 5%-12% for every completed order by the referee
(As explained above). The income will be transferred to the referrer account as per the
template and guidelines set by VAH. Cash will be transferred when the minimum
accumulated value touches in multiple of $50.
Referred must refer only through the link appended & offline or any other mode will not
be considered for any rewards as otherwise it will be difficult to track the mapping of
the referee.
generations Chart
Category 1: 50% cash/ vouchers + 50%transfer to wallet
for earnings upto $600 by referrer.
Referral income will be spilt in 50-50 ratios. The first
50% will be credited into his wallet for use of any of our value assignment
services & the balance will be transferred to his account.
Category 2: 70% cash/vouchers + 30% transfer to wallet
for earnings ranging from $601-$1200 by referrer
Referral income will be split in 30-70 ratios. The first
30% will be credited into his wallet for use of any of our value assignment
services & the balance 70% will be transferred to his account.
Category 3: 100% cash/vouchers for earnings above $1200
by referrer.
Referral income will be 100% transferred to his account.
Further Additional 10% income whereby he can earn upto a
maximum of $275
For every assignment of $100 plus the referrer earns an
additional income as per the below table to a maximum of $275 which will be
credited to his wallet and can be used for value assignment services.
#Benefits for the referee:
First 5 successful referrals
Next 5 successful referrals
Next 10 successful referrals
Next 15 successful referrals
Next 20 successful referrals
Every referee will be allocated a joining bonus of $20 that would be
credited to his wallet and can be used for future services .A maximum of $5 from the
wallet can be used for an order above $50 at one time.The joining bonus would be valid
from the date of his credentials uploaded in the portal to a maximum of 30 days.
# Terms & conditions
An order must get completed by the referee with full invoice being paid
in-order to process the refer n earn rewards.
Avoid creation of multiple fictitious references or referring self.
Will not indulge in any unfair means or flout any laws of the land for claiming
the benefits of the program &will abide by the decision of VAH which will be
considered as the final.
Will not indulge in any unfair means or flout any laws of the land for claiming
the benefits of the program &will abide by the decision of VAH which will be
considered as the final.
Rewards or Points earned cannot be transferred to any third party at any point
of time and will not be bartered for any future or current assignments.