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Business: Ethics, Governance & Risk Courses Assignment Question Sample

Q1. “Business should Respect and Promote Human Rights.” Prepare an executive summary (in your own words) to showcase how the company is delivering on this Principle 5 of the National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC) from the Business Responsibility & Sustainability Report 2022-23 (BRSR) of a company of your choice. Choose any ONE listed company from the BSE/NSE list of top 100 companies by market capitalization. You must mention the name of the selected company and include the weblink to its BRSR. (You may also refer to the company website or its sustainability report for additional information on this principle and its indicators)

Q2. Go through the ‘Management Discussion & Analysis’ section in the annual report (FY2022-23) of the company selected in Q1 and prepare an analytical write up (in your own words) on all the risks identified by the company and the mitigation/management strategy/action deployed to manage each of those risks. Conclude with your learnings or insights about risk management in this company. (You may need to look at other sections covering risks in the integrated report or annual report of the company. Please mention the name of the company and include the weblink to its annual report 2022-23.


Q3. Albert, a Customer Relations Executive from your Southeast Asia third party manufacturing vendor will visit your Head Office to meet with your sales team. Your independent Southeast Asian agent requests that you reimburse the Customer Relations Executive for his expenses, including personal expenses that could violate your company's policies. The independent agent promises to reimburse you.

A. Explain the process/steps you will follow to handle this situation?

B. We need Ethical Managers more than ever today. Briefly explain what are the five most important values/virtues that help/guide a manager take ethical decisions, according to you.


Business Communication Course Assignment Question Sample

Q1. While Bill Gates mentioned ‘Content is king’ in1996 in one of his essays, the new age presenters believe and have realized that while content is the king audience is the kingdom and hence the content king would need to behave as per the need of the kingdom. Any business communication course will include an important section covering Audience analysis topics. Considering this thought, please share some actions that would lead to analyzing the audience for business presentations.

Q2. Shubha is a manager in a large retail super store chain. She is heading the administration department and is responsible for a large cluster of geography which covers 6 stores of the organization. Writing and analyzing reports is a big chunk of her work, she is also involved in writing and analyzing proposals as a part of her job. In light of this case, please compare the elements of Body and Close for a proposal and report clearly.

Q3. Prof. Bala is a guide for international students for submitting their final thesis of PG degrees. He reads a lot of academic reports during the day and knows by now that the documents need to be edited to make them more concise and need to add more clarity of concepts. Considering these points, answer the two questions given below.
a. Share a few tips for editing the documents to add more clarity of thoughts.
b. Share a few tricks for editing for making documents concise.

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