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Free Sample For Prepare stocks, sauces and soups - SITHCCC007

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Q1 List three signs that ingredients used for stocks, sauces and soups have spoiled or are contaminated. 

Ans – 

  • Eggs that are not fresh will have a sulphur smell.
  • Flour that has spoiled will have a stale or musty smell. Fresh flour will not smell.
  • Butter that is not fresh will have spots of mould and will be much harder or softer than usual.

Q2 Describe three indicators you would use to select fresh, quality ingredients for use in stocks, sauces and soups.

Ans -  

  • Meat should not be slimy or darker than other similar types and cuts. 
  • Turn vegetables over in your hands to check for signs of damage or spoilage and ensure they do not show bruising or other damage.
  • Check the aroma of the food to ensure that there are no off or pungent odours that are not typical of the food type.

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Q3 Describe three safety techniques when using knives in the kitchen. 

Ans -  

Three safety techniques when using knives in the kitchen –

  • Use a knife appropriate for the job and the food you are chopping.
  • Sharpen your knives
  • Workers should receive training on the proper handling and sharpening techniques for knives.

Q4 Describe four mise en place tasks related to preparing stocks, sauces and soups that you can complete without affecting the dish's quality.

Ans –  

For stocks: 

  • Prepare mirepoix 
  • Wash and cut bones (bones should be approximately three inches in size) 
  • Remove gills from fish bones if required. 
  • Consider the extensive cooking times for chicken and brown beef stocks

For sauce:

  • Prepare and cook stock for brown sauce 
  • Prepare garnishes 
  • Sweat and vegetables 

For soups:

  • Prepare and cook stock 
  • Prepare and cook vegetables 
  • Prepare garnishes 

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Q5 Define the following culinary terms in your own words. 

Ans –   

Mirepoix: a combination of chopped herbs, onions, carrots, and celery that has been sautéed in butter or oil.

Consommé: a clarified, concentrated broth that includes egg whites to remove impurities; consommé can take 45 minutes to several hours to cook. They should be served immediately because they tend to gel as they cool.

Court bouillon is a boiled liquid (bouillon, ‘to boil’) with fish or seafood. The liquid can also be used for poaching. This type of soup generally takes no more than an hour to cook and includes water, white wine, lemon juice or vinegar, mirepoix and bouquet garni.

Coating: the sauce is thick enough to coat the food evenly. Béarnaise, béchamel and hollandaise are examples of coating sauces

Pouring: the sauce should run from the spoon freely with a thin coating on the back of the spoon. Demi-glace, jus lié and jus rôti are examples of pouring sauces.

Mother sauces:  Five sauces are considered to be the ‘mother sauces’: 

  • Béchamel sauce (hot, white) 
  • Velouté sauce (hot, blond) 
  • Espagnole sauce (hot, brown)
  • Hollandaise sauce (warm, yellow) 
  • Tomato sauce (hot, red).

Reduction: "Reduction" refers to a method that uses boiling to produce powerfully flavoured, thicker liquid.

Roux: a cooked mixture of fat and flour thickening sauces and soups.

Fond: a well-reduced broth that includes herbs and spices and is produced from, say, meat, chicken, fish, or game.

Bouquet garni: a bundle of herbs that are typically bound with thread and mainly used to make soup, stock, casseroles, and different stews.

Q6 Identify three convenience products for preparing stocks, sauces and soups. 

Ans - Convenience products can assist in making soup (pre-made stocks, such as liquid stock), and you can also buy pre-made soups (in a can or packet). Bouillon cubes are dried ingredients of vegetables, meat, and seasonings that can be used for broths.

Q7 Identify at least three trade names of convenience stocks, sauces and soups. 

Ans –       

Stocks: white stock, Brown stock, Fish stock

Sauces:  cold emulsion sauces, warm emulsion sauces, hot sauce 

Soups: Broth, Consommé, puree 

Q8 Identify three products you can use as thickening agents with sauces and soups.

Ans – 

  • Potato starch
  • Arrowroot
  • Cornflour 

Q9 List three food safety issues you must consider when preparing stocks, sauces and soups. Describe how you would reduce each risk.

Ans – 

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