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Is homework harmful or helpful to Students

Is homework harmful or helpful to Students?

Completing homework is one of the significant responsibilities associated with students. The common reason teachers give homework is so that students don't forget to learn. However, how effective is this homework for students? Are the students burdened with homework? It is not enough to cover a lot of content in the classroom alone. The learning process is made more accessible and more engaging by giving homework. Giving homework to students enhances their learning ability and increases participation in the classroom.

Along with attempting the homework assignments, students also get to read the subject being taught. Thus homework indirectly promotes reading as a habit. Homework allows students to become familiar with different aspects that cannot be covered in the classroom and can later, discuss the queries in a group or with the class teacher.

Why is Homework Good?

There are many reasons why teachers feel that homework is suitable for a student's learning-

Learning reinforcement

This is especially true for young students. So often, students are faced with concepts that they are not familiar with. Lack of homework will make students falter in-class sessions and would further lead to a lack of clarity. Thus, homework serves as a tool to reinforce what is learned in school.

Practice regularly and make yourself perfect

Since all students have different learning speeds and abilities, it becomes clear why homework is good. Homework encourages students to rehearse and rehearse what they have learned in school. If they have minor confusion in any of the concepts, they can work on it again and then refer to their teacher about their problem. This exercise helps students master the concepts taught in school and excel academically.

Time management

While school lessons concentrate on conceptual clarity, homework is intended to help students prepare questions in a given time frame. This helps the students to learn the art of time management. In addition, it comes in handy for the students at the time of examination. Since they have already spent time answering the questions, they can finish their exams more efficiently in the given time.

The Art of Priority Setting

Student life is constantly a time of confusion and lack of prioritization. Students cannot decide on each, overwhelmed by the number of activities they need to take care of. Doing homework can help students prioritize better because they must first decide which homework to finish.

Sometimes homework is terrible due to multiple deadlines and complicated and lengthy instructions.

Therefore, homework is good because it can raise your grades, help you learn the material, and prepare you for tests. However, this is not always beneficial. Sometimes homework harms more than it helps. Here are five reasons homework can be harmful:

  1. It would help if you had a break from a topic not to burn out or lose interest. Taking breaks helps you learn.
  2. Lots of homework can lead to cheating and copying.
  3. Homework, which is wasteful, can lead to a negative impact on a subject.
  4. It takes time to get away from jobs, families, friends, and other ways to spend your time.
  5. Homework can harm your grades. It pushes you to make time management decisions, sometimes resulting in a win-win situation. Do you take the time to do homework or spend it studying concepts or working on some other subject? If you don't have time for homework, you could hurt your grades, even if you pass the test and understand the subject.

Is Homework Harmful or Helpful?

Proponents of homework argue that it is essential to students' academic achievement, while opponents point to its associated health effects. So, here are the primary pros and cons of homework.


  • Homework helps students to improve their grades and test results. When students revisit what they learn in class, they understand them better and do better in exams.
  • When students get assignments at home, parents have a better chance of getting involved. For example, they can check how their children handle different problems and even help by showing them alternative ways to solve them.
  • Homework offers an option for students to learn how to be independent. As they learn to solve various math or literature problems without the help of their teacher, the skill will develop and become very useful later in life.


  • Most researchers agree that too much homework can harm students' health. Many students who are given a lot of assignments suffer from health problems like stress, emotional exhaustion and stomach problems.
  • Homework hurts people in low-income areas. In many cases, homework is given only to students from high-income areas because they have access to resources such as the Internet and quiet workspaces. As a result, it hurts other people in low-income areas.
  • Although most educational institutions, let us all say, use homework, there is no scientific evidence that it helps lower-level students.

General Tips for Doing Homework from Value Assignment 

Plan your homework:

Many students jump right into your mind or the first assignment they take out of their bags and work their way through the rest of their assignments. However, we have a better way.

You can start by creating a list of everything you want to do that day. This is everything from re-reading the notes to preparing for the next day's classes. Then, when the teacher is handing out assignments, it will be much easier to write them down in your planner and ask appropriate questions about what is expected if you have doubts.

Gather what you need

Have everything you need ready for your homework, such as your textbook for reference, your laptop for research, pens and pencils for writing, a calculator for problems, graphs if needed, etc.

This is important because forgetting supplies and getting up between homework puts you off and makes it harder to get back to your homework efficiently.

So as you plan out your homework, you can figure out everything you need and prepare each item in your workspace before starting the actual work.

Allocate specific time

According to the different tasks you've listed, figure out how long it takes you to complete your homework. Then, evaluate how long it will take you to complete each task on the list and see if you need to allocate more or less time accordingly.

Once you've made a detailed plan over time, you can work straight through your assignments instead of repeatedly pausing to figure out what to do next.

If you have a lot of homework today, you may need to give more time to homework, mainly if you are involved in sports or other activities after school.


"Is Homework Harmful or Helpful?" The question is indeed a very pertinent one. It has many good sides as well as wrong sides. Hopefully, this article has presented you with adequate information to be considered. We believe that there should be a perfect balance between the number of homework students attend and the amount of homework completed by the school. Every learner should have enough time to fulfil their needs and desires apart from working at home.

If the tasks weigh you down, consider seeking professional homework help online. Our services will help you relieve the headache of writing assignments. So come on, give it a shot, and you'll never regret it!


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