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Lesser-known facts about 4th of July

Each year, we celebrate 4th of July as America’s Independence Day. The country dances, roars and enjoys the celebration of the independence of the country. But, contrary to the usual belief, America did not sign a declaration of independence on the 4th of July or even in July. It was actually on the 2nd of August that the declaration was finally signed. Don’t believe us? 

Lesser known facts about 4th of july

Review the article for details and other interesting facts about 4th of July.

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Introduction: A Historic Milestone

The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day, commemorates the historic moment in 1776 when the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. This groundbreaking document, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, declared the thirteen American colonies a sovereign nation free from British rule. It symbolized the birth of a new era characterized by self-determination and democratic ideals.

And every year, the 4th of July marks a vibrant and cherished celebration of freedom and independence in the United States. From bustling parades to spectacular fireworks displays, this day is a reminder of the indomitable spirit that ignited a nation's quest for liberty. As we gather to honour this historic occasion, it is crucial to reflect upon the significance of the 4th of July and rekindle our appreciation for the rights and privileges we enjoy today.

  1. Adoption of the Declaration of Independence: The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, formally declaring the thirteen American colonies as separate nations free from British rule.
  2. Second Continental Congress: Contrary to popular belief, the 4th of July was not the day when independence was declared, but rather when the Second Continental Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration. Although the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, most signers penned their signatures on August 2nd, 1776.
  3. Original Thirteen Colonies: The original thirteen American colonies that declared independence from Britain were: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
  4. Founding Fathers: The primary author of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson, with contributions from Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston.
  5. Hot Dog Consumption: The 4th of July is a big day for hot dog consumption in the United States. According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, Americans consume approximately 150 million hot dogs on this day alone.
  6. Bell Independence: The Liberty Bell, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is said to have rung on July 4, 1776, to announce the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. However, this is a popular legend, and no historical evidence supports it.
  7. John Adams' Prediction: John Adams, the second President of the United States, predicted that July 2nd—the day the Continental Congress voted in favour of independence—would be celebrated as the nation's independence day. However, the 4th of July became the date widely recognized and celebrated.
  8. Mock Funerals for King George III: In the years following the American Revolution, some communities staged mock funerals for King George III on the 4th of July in the summer of 1776. These theatrical displays symbolized the end of British rule and the birth of a new nation, as highlighted by F.M. Light & Sons.
  9. Fireworks Extravaganza: Fireworks have been a traditional part of the 4th of July celebrations since the early years of the nation's history. The largest fireworks display in the United States is the Macy's Fourth of July Fireworks in New York City, attracting millions of spectators each year.
  10. National Anthem Connection: "The Star-Spangled Banner," the U.S. national anthem, was originally a poem titled "Defence of Fort M'Henry" written by Francis Scott Key. It was inspired by Key's observation of the British bombardment of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812. The poem was later set to music and officially became the national anthem in 1931.
  11. 4th of July Ice Cream: Ice cream has been a popular treat on the 4th of July for centuries. President George Washington was an avid fan of ice cream and is known to have spent around $200 on it during the summer of 1790. The tradition of enjoying ice cream on Independence Day continues to this day.
  12. Independence Days around the World: The United States of America recognized the Philippines as an independent state on the 4th of July in 1946. This date commemorates the country's independence from U.S. colonial rule in 1946.


As we come together to commemorate the 4th of July, let us remember the extraordinary journey that has brought us here. Let us embrace the spirit of unity, diversity, and resilience that defines us as a nation. And let us rekindle our commitment to preserving the promise of freedom for future generations. The 4th of July is not merely a date on the calendar; it is a testament to the enduring human spirit and the boundless possibilities that lie within us all.

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