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Organizational Behaviour & Consumer Behaviour Course Assignment Question Sample

Organizational Behaviour Course Assignment Question Sample

1. Think about a person with whom you may have worked, who happens to be very different from you, such as someone of the opposite gender who also is a member of a different racial group and/ or from a different region or country. In what ways was this experience challenging for you? In what ways did these differences prove to be beneficial? What insight do you believe the field of OB can give you with respect to this experience?

2. A friend who runs a small media company has approached you for advice. He believes that the attitude of his employees seems to be getting very negative with each passing day. Performance seems to declining and attrition is on the rise, especially with new hires. At the exit interviews, a few employees reported that they felt dissatisfied with the working environment, had long working hours and unsupportive managers. The work seemed monotonous and no appreciation by managers is ever given. New employees have been found taking up jobs with this company's competitors.

Which major attitudes are a cause of concern in the given situation? How can this organization deal with the same?

3. You have recently started heading a very big hospital that has a lot of nursing staff. Upon joining as the director, the management has informed you that this hospital faces a peculiar crisis. This crisis is related to very poor moral and motivation among the nursing staff. Upon further research you are given to understand that the nursing staff has very high absenteeism and turnover and low patient care feedback.

Not just the patients, but the doctors are also unhappy with the services of the nursing staff. You are now responsible to diagnose the main issues here and help improve the situation. As you go ahead and speak with a few nurses you find three main problems. The first problem is that the nursing staff believes that no one in the organisation appreciates their work or encourages them in any way. The second major issue is that the nurses feel that their counterparts in other hospitals are paid much better than them. The third problem is that they feel bored with the routine jobs and roles that have been assigned to them since many years.

a) What theories of motivation can be applied in context to the first two issues faced by the nurses?

b) Explain the ways in which each of the three issues mentioned in case can be addressed.

Consumer Behaviour Course Assignment Question Sample

Q1. Go to website Assume you are the Marketing Manager at Tira which is planning to launch a new line of luxury perfumes for women in the higher middle-class segment – women who want to use big brands but cannot always afford to use them so they buy a mix of highly branded and home-grown luxury perfume brands. You're aware of the principles of classical conditioning and its potential impact on consumer behavior. How would you apply classical conditioning techniques to create a favorable association between your perfume and positive emotions in potential buyers?

Q2. North India experiences extreme climates – typically states of Rajasthan, MP, UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Delhi, etc have very hot summers and very cold winters. Many people in these states use air-conditioners in summer and radiation heaters in winter to fight the extremes of climates. Now a major consumer durable company has introduced a combined air-conditioner cum heater so that consumers do not have to buy 2 appliances like the AC and a heater. A single appliance can now work both as an air-conditioner cum heater. Using the model of Diffusion of Innovation explain the different product parameters that will influence the consumer acceptance of the combined air-conditioning cum heating unit.

Q3. Answer the following
How would a child influence the choice of product in the family? Take a product of your choice and explain how a marketer can get across to a child in order to make the child influence his/her family to buy that product. 
b. What is classical conditioning in Consumer Behaviour. Mother’s Recipe has a range of “Ready to Cook” products. It is planning to launch a new category – the favourite Indian Meal called “Khichdi” under the “Ready to Cook” range. There will be a variety of Khichdi’s from different areas of India available to the consumer. How can Mother’s Recipe use the principle of Classical Conditioning to popularize the range of Khichdis it is planning in the market. 

Organisational Theory, Structure and Design Course Assignment Question Sample

Q1. Analyze the utility of a line structure in an organisation. Explain which types of companies would prefer this structure. Evaluate the pros and cons of this structure. Give examples as required.

Q2. It is said that there is no magic formula for choosing the correct organizational structure. However, its suitability should be determined based on certain features. Evaluate the importance of each feature and add suitable examples wherever needed.

Q3. The external environment of a business is measured by a system called the PESTLE analysis which gives a holistic overview of all the associated contextual aspects influencing it. In the above context, explain with the help of suitable examples:

a. Evaluate the different relevant concepts of the external environment that help in strategy building.

b. Discuss the systems or approaches through which information can be collected regarding the external environment.

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