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SITXMGT004 - Monitor work operations

Q-1. What categories of information does the current Hospitality Award in Australia provide? Mention at least six.


The current Hospitality Awards in Australia provides information on the following:

  • Minimum wage rates will be provided,
  • Overtime rates and penalty rates need to be applied with pay.
  • Allowances and entitlements should be given for progress.
  • Give up rights
  • Working Hours and Rostering Requirements
  • Termination and redundancy provisions.

SITXWHS006 - Identify hazards, assess and control Safety risks

Q-1. What are the requirements for work health and safety consultation, coordination and cooperation as outlined in the codes of practice?

Requirements for work health and safety consultation, coordination and cooperation: The person undertaking the business must consult regarding the health and safety matters with the workers directly affected by the hazards. The consultation process must involve discussing corrective measures to prevent or eliminate the hazards.

Q-2. What does this require from you? Who could be typically involved in the Tourism, Hospitality and Event Industries?

Answer: It requires a meeting in which all staff members, the project manager and the supervisor should be involved so that everyone can share their views and get informed regarding the safety techniques. In tourism, hospitality and event industries, the team members must elect 

SITHCCC038 | Produce and serve food for Buffets

Q1 - Discuss the organisational food safety procedures for displaying, serving and maintaining hot and cold buffet foods for outdoor buffets in 50-80 words.


  • The outdoor buffets should be placed in closed containers to avoid contamination. 
  • Displace food in sealed containers to avoid moisture content.
  • Check leakages when serving and displaying for outdoor buffets.
  • High-risk food should be stored at 5 degrees or above 60 degrees to avoid contamination.
  • Frozen items should be displayed and served frozen.

SITHKOP011_Plan and implement service of buffets

Q1 - Explain any four (4) presentation techniques for food items that make up a buffet using 80-100 words.


  • Use different heights of risers, bowls or strands to make the dish appealing. It is done so the guests can see everything on the buffet. Use different coloured foods to create excellent contrast with different textures and shapes.
  • Use fresh herbs, sliced fruits, and vegetables to provide visual appeal to the dishes.
  • Add dish name, allergen information and ingredient information on clear labels so the guests can get informed regarding the food they need to avoid.
  • Highlight main dishes using good lighting, such as candles.
  • Arrange the dishes cleanly and hygienically.
  • Do not overcrowd the buffet table.
  • Use decorative items to align with the theme of the event.

CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry

Q1 - Duty of care requirements of employees and employee

Ans. The duty of care is official or legal documents required for the employee and employer within the organisation. The duty of care ensures the decision does not harm the environment, employers, and employees. 

It ensures-

  • Safe workplace
  • High-quality PPE equipment is provided
  • Standards and legislation are followed along with the documents and policies of the workplace. 

SITXMGT002_Establish and conduct business relationships

Q1 - List 4 reasons business relationships are essential.


  1. To maintain reputation 
  2. For gaining financial help whenever required 
  3. To meet standards and laws  
  4. To achieve the success of the organisation.  

SITXMGT002_Establish and conduct business relationships_12 July 2023

Q1 - Why is building trust and respect in a business relationship difficult?


  • Due to high competition, it becomes challenging to build trust in a business relationship, 
  • Once the quality trust is broken, it becomes difficult to regain trust in a business relationship,
  • In a business relationship, it is difficult to gain trust and respect due to high demands in the same industry.

RIICWD601E_Manage Civil Works Design Processes

Q1 - Outline a step-by-step approach for identifying and evaluating design options.

Ans. The steps to identify and evaluate design options are-

  • Check and evaluate the requirements of the project.
  • Set out concepts and designs.
  • Check the suitability of materials and other related requirements.
  • Advice or consultation can be done with internal or external consultants and stakeholders.
  • Select designs from the obtained options.
  • Modifications can be done as per requirements. 

SITXMGT002 - Establish and conduct business relationships

Q1 - List 4 reasons business relationships are essential.


  • Business relationships are essential for the growth of the business.
  • To get new innovative ideas, business relationships are a must.
  • To get new opportunities, you need to maintain business relationships.
  • It helps to enhance the communication skills.

SITXHRM003 Lead and manage people

Q1 - Do you think leading and managing are the same thing? Explain. 

Ans. Leading and managing is not the same thing.

  • The differences between leading and managing are- 
  • Managing is done for specific goals that need to be completed on time.
  • Managing helps to reach desired goals and manages a limited number of people in a group. 
  • The leader can lead the group in a fast and accurate manner,
  • Leader helps to increase and develop skills and the ability to complete task. 
  • Leader motivates group members to contribute to the organisation. 

BSBMGT517 - Manage operational plan

Q1 - Develop a strategy that can be implemented to overcome the shortfalls you have identified and explain how each step of the strategy will be implemented to ensure it will be successful. Include the documentation required for this.

Ans. The strategy implemented to overcome the shortfalls-

o Training

o Practical knowledge

o Extra pay system

These methods can increase staff working efficiency so that customer-related issues can be handled easily.

  • Training- Training on requirements will help enhance their skill and productivity.
  • Practical knowledge- making them learn through practical training will help them learn efficient skills that can be used in their daily work.
  • Extra pay can be provided to them, encouraging them to work more productively towards the organisation.

SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

Q1 - Which aspects of patient requirements and product availability need to be considered for texture modification of foods?



The doctor should cross-check the patient's requirements in terms of disease and special requirements.

They should maintain the availability and demand of particular customers, including high-liquid to soup to dry products.

SITHCCC043 - Work effectively as a cook

Q1 - Explain the term delegation with an example. What procedure must you use to delegate one of your tasks to another team member?


Delegation is a procedure of sharing or transferring responsibilities. It is an essential tool leaders use to meet all their responsibilities effectively. For example, if you want to assign a task to your coworker, make sure he can do that task.

Procedure to delegate one of your tasks to another team member: The team member should be adequately trained. You need to assign tasks after determining his strengths and weaknesses.


1. Explain why it is essential to have an effective complaint-handling procedure.

Answer: An excellent complaint-handling procedure can improve the organisation's reputation and strengthen public confidence in an organization’s administration process. It is an invaluable opportunity for an organization to identify areas of improvement. A suitable complaint-handling procedure reassures customers that you are committed to resolving problems and improving relationships.

CPCCCA3008_Construct eaves

1. Explain the purpose of concealed gutters in open eaves design.

Ans. Concealed gutters, also called internal fixed guttering, are gutters fixed behind the fascia. It doesn’t come on a fascia board or placed onto any outside surface. It’s hidden, so you can’t see it from the ground. Concealed Gutters are often used for commercial premises. The purpose of concealed gutters is to allow all the banners, advertising signs, lighting, and security cameras to be fixed to the fascia board of the facade. This enables the shop owners to keep the gutter away from the customer’s eye so that all he can see is what is attached to the facade. For similar reasons, you can also find concealed gutters on old, historic buildings.

SITXWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry

1. Describe the procedures for identifying and reporting asbestos.

Ans. Procedures for identifying and reporting asbestos:

  • You need to collect the material sample, which should be tested in the laboratory.
  • The National Association of Testing Authorities should do asbestos testing.
  • Any workplace areas that contain asbestos should be signposted with warning signs.
  • Add all the information regarding the date, location and type of asbestos in the register.
  • Asbestos-containing material must be reported to the person in control of the workplace as set out in the relevant asbestos management code.

SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads

1. Define kneading and handling for cakes, pastries, breads, and fillings in 30-50 words.

Ans. Kneading and handling is a process of messages the bread dough before baking. It helps to stretch the gluten strands in the dough, allowing for more expansion during fermentation. The hand-kneading method generates the ideal gluten matrix by repeatedly folding and stretching the dough. A light dusting of flour can be added to prevent the dough from sticking, but too much flour will dry up the dough and make it stiff.

SITHCCC038 | Produce and serve food for Buffets

1. Discuss the organisational food safety procedures for displaying, serving and maintaining hot and cold buffet foods for outdoor buffets.


  • The outdoor buffets should be placed in closed containers to avoid contamination.
  • Displace food in sealed containers to avoid moisture content.
  • Check leakages when serving and displaying for outdoor buffets.
  • High-risk food should be stored at 5 degrees or above 60 degrees to avoid contamination.
  • Frozen items should be displayed and served frozen.

SITHKOP011_Plan and implement service of buffets

1. Explain four (4) presentation techniques for food items that make up a buffet.


  • Use different heights of risers, bowls or strands to make the dish appealing. It is done so the guests can see everything on the buffet.
  • Use different coloured foods to create excellent contrast with different textures and shapes.
  • Use fresh herbs, sliced fruits, and vegetables to provide visual appeal to the dishes.
  • Add dish name, allergen information and ingredient information on clear labels so the guests can get informed regarding the food they need to avoid.

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