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Xi Jinping the 3 times Chinese president

A young nine-year-old boy, who hailed from a politically affluent family, always struck a chord in his class. The boy sparked admiration in some and fear or envy in others. But, of course, the boy we are talking about is Xi Jinping- three-time unopposed president of China, leader of Chinese communist party and the military commission of China.

During his early days, his father, Xi Zhongxun, was the chief of the propaganda department in the Chinese Communist Party. His mother, Qi Xin, was a journalist and a paramount asset to the budding communist party. The party was spreading like wildfire across the country, challenging the conventional ways of living. Everyone in China, either willingly or reluctantly, was falling under the umbrella of the Mao Zedong-led Communist party.

Xi Jinping The 3 Times Chinese President

Hence, anyone related to the party held higher admiration in the public's eye. And so did Jinping.

But one day, his world flipped upside down. His charm and persona were somehow lost on the busy streets of Beijing. Suddenly, his school, school number 25 on Beijing street, did not feel welcome. All the students, who once looked at him with utmost admiration, now looked at him disgusted, as if he had murdered someone. He could not contemplate the gawking eyes and murmured whispering that followed him through the school campus. Then suddenly, one of the students shouted, "down with Xi Jinping". Another repeated, and the entire classroom soon roared with the slogan.

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Xi Jinping's father, Xi Zhongxun, was declared a a traitor by the Communist party, which rippled on Jinping. This was the turning point in his life.

Five years later, in 1968, when Jinping was turning 15, his father was imprisoned.

Without the protective shadow of his father, Xi ended up in the countryside in the farms in Shaanxi. Xi lived in a cave house carved out of a stone face and devotedly worked in the farm. This humbling experience transformed the young boy into a man who would later end up in the Zhongnanhai office as the President of China.

After the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, Xi Zhongxun was among the flock of old-and-wise leaders who were brought back into the party to sustain the reign of the communist party. That was when the family reunited.

Around the same time, Xi Jinping was busy scaling his political career, and now, on 10th March 2023, Xi Jinping was elected as the President of China for the third time in a row. Along with the presidency, Xi is also the head of the Central Military Commission and head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since October last year. Hence, the Rubber-stamp parliament cast all 2952 votes in favour of Xi Jinping.

After Mao Zedong, Xi Jinping is the most influential leader of China.

Xi first became the president in 2013. Ever since then, the fate of China has taken a swift turn. Just as the man took hold of the Presidential office, he began the nation's largest anti-corruption drive. As per critics, the drive was paramount in spitting out rotted politicians and their competitors of the government.

Other than that, Xi cemented the foundation of the international road infrastructure initiative- the "Belt and Road Initiative" with Africa and Eurasia, targeted poverty alleviation programs and eradicated extreme poverty. He also abandoned the 5-decade old population controlling "one-child" policy. In addition, China is excelling in the arena of Green tech. The growth of the EV manufacturing industry is remarkable, and its aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 is commendable.

However, with roses come thrones. Jinping's indispensable aim to push China to the top of the global leaderboard has left China in despair. Some of the many reported issues are initiating territorial disputes with its neighbouring nations, violating human rights by eyeing its citizens' every move, spying on other nations, forcing labour, rigid internet access regime, and worsening climate situation.

The Mystery of the Pandemic:

Then there is Corona Virus. From the secret leak of the virus from the Wuhan lab to hiding the actual fatality of the virus, China gave a gratuitous pandemic to the world. As per official figures, more than 6 million have lost their lives to the deadly virus. However, not every death made it to the official numbers, and the real loss would always be unaccounted for.

Xi Jinping tried to contain the virus with forceful lockdowns but failed miserably. Even after three years of consecutive lockdown, when the pandemic finally broke again in Jan 2023, the country was still medically unequipped. As a result, an estimated million people were reportedly dead. And as the severity of the pandemic rose, the faith of China and the world jolted in Xi Jinping.

The Spying conspiracies:

Hiding the pandemic is not the only brewing conspiracy in China. Chinese mobile manufacturers allegedly access the private data of their users. As per the reports, Oppo, Xiomi and OnePlus collect data such as user location, IMEI number, app usage patterns, MAC address, phone number and app performance data, which can be traced back to its users. The information gathered is then shared with the Chinese government unremorsefully.

And the news of a Chinese spy balloon hovering over American coasts is no new to anyone. Equivalent to the size of 20 storey building, the American military shot down the spy balloon in South Caroline. 

Other than that, what makes it wonkier to confine in Xi Jinping's leadership is the Chinese debt trap. China lures poor nations into taking low-interest loans for non-profitable projects. Then, after the repayment defaults, China buys the project on lease. This strategy is globally seen as an investment in the case of international warfare.

Its recent example is Pakistan, which owns 30 Billion USD to China, equivalent to 30% of its total foreign debt, International Monetary Fund reported. Under the same trap, Sri Lanka has lost its Hambantota International Port to a 99-year lease with China. The lease came to after Sri Lanka's inability to repay the debt taken to build the port in the first place.

Jinping's control over the present and the future:

In China, from 1982, no president or vice-president could serve more than two consecutive five-year terms. But, in 2018, these presidential term limits were scrapped-off, giving Jinping unlimited access to the throne. 

Jinping's vision for China is simple: to emerge China as a global superpower. And to realize the vision, Jinping has cracked the formula- Controlling the youth.  

Hence, this ideology of Jinping is imbibed in the school curriculum, and young minds are closely monitored with live-AI devices. However, Internet access is limited, with most content censored to combat "mind contamination" due to western influence. As a result, heavy stress is given to nurturing the traditional practices and keeping the age-old traditions alive.  

The concluding thoughts:

Now that Jinping holds the Chinese command for another five years, China is bound to grow. But at what cost? Only time will tell. 

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