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statutory law assignment help
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Law is synonymous to a set of rules that are made by a controlling authority. These rules are legally binding and the breach of these rules can lead to consequences such as punishments and fines. The purpose of every law is to promote justice and to make sure that any kind of harm to individuals or property is prevented.
The accumulation of all the laws is collectively known as the statutory law.
What is statutory law?
statutory law assignment help Sample
by VAH Experts
LAWS1001 Updated on :
Feb 2025
Who can make statutory laws?
Statutory legislation can be made at all levels of government; it can come from the state, federal and even local governments. A government can make a law applicable within its jurisdiction and at lower levels of government. For example, the federal government may create a relevant law throughout the United States. States can make laws that will apply only to their states.
statutory law assignment help Sample
by VAH Experts
Updated on :
Feb 2025
How do courts interpret statutory law?
When courts begin to understand a law, they begin by looking at the simple language of the law. If the law is sharp and well-defined, the courts draw closer to the point that the law means what it says. Courts recognize that the legislature wants to give meaning to every word of the law. They deny the idea that the legislature may have put anything they do not mean in different words.
statutory law assignment help Sample
by VAH Experts
Updated on :
Feb 2025
What is statutory law, and what is its purpose?
Laws are rules passed by a controlling authority that have binding legal force and, if not followed, lead to penalties. Their goal is to promote justice and prevent harm. When all the laws are taken together, they are collectively known as statutory laws. In addition, the laws are intended to promote justice and prevent harm. In other words, laws are not meant to encourage the good.
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Law is synonymous to a set of rules that are made by a controlling authority. These rules are legally binding and the breach of these rules can lead to consequences such as punishments and fines. The purpose of every law is to promote justice and to make sure that any kind of harm to individuals or property is prevented.
The accumulation of all the laws is collectively known as the statutory law.
What is statutory law?
Statutory law or statute law is that branch of law that is passed by a legislative body in the written form. The parliament makes a statutory law which may originate from national legislature, state legislature or even local municipalities.
What are the 3 categories of statutory law?
Statutory law appears under the legal order in the following different forms:
Written formal law
Law for the community
Non-public law
What are the components of statute laws?
Statute laws are basically made up of 2 components, namely:
Principle legislation (Acts)
Subordinate legislations (Approvals)
Can judges overrule statutory law?
The judges in the court of law have the power to overrule a legislation by exercising the powers vested in them if they believe that the law related to the case is incompatible in regards to the rights and freedoms guaranteed in relation to the human rights.
Otherwise, it is only through the act of the parliament that an existing law can be overridden or replaced or in some cases amended.
What are the two types of statutory law?
Statutory law is a vast subject of study as it comprises both criminal law as well as civil law.
As per the questions addressed above, it is clear that a student wanting to pursue statutory law needs to understand and be well versed with the sections of both criminal and civil law in the future.
Studying statutory law requires long study hours in order to understand and memorize the provisions of the sections of statute law. It also requires appearing for the examinations and completing the assignments assigned by the university.
The final examinations and the assignments, under the new academic system that is followed everywhere, carry equal weightage to determine the final grade that a student achieves at term-end.
Therefore, it is very important to complete the assignments on time and as per the guidelines given by the university to achieve a higher grade as a late assignment or an assignment that does not meet university requirements can also lead to penalties as well as a lower grade.
Amongst all the studying and preparing for the examinations, a student might find it difficult to complete their assignments or it can be possible that due to lack of concept clarity, the student is unable to understand and attempt the assignment or there can be any other reason due to which you are unable to complete an assignment on time.
It is here that the concept of assignment help comes into the picture and VAH is one of the most famous, trusted and highly sought-after platform amongst the students to provide you with assignment help.
Understanding the value of assignments and the role they play in determining your future grade, we at VAH make it our priority to provide you quality driven, plagiarism-free and a professional assignment that meets the requirements of the university as specified in the rubric.
Our PhD qualified experts offer their expertise to help complete your assignment as well as gain concept clarity which helps you for your examinations and the future as well. These assignments are specially written for you based on the helping material that you provide making it unique and relevant to your study course.
We at VAH understand the importance of time and therefore extend our service to you round the clock through our online portal where you can contact us at any given time and we will revert back to you!
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