International custom law assignment help Sample by VAH Experts
Why was the study done on customary international humanitarian law?
The rules of customary international law are unwritten, and research into state practice is needed to confine their existence. For this cause, the 26th International Conference of the Red Crescent and Red Cross, held in December 1995, requested the ICRC to conduct a study to identify existing customary international humanitarian law rules and facilitate the consequent application.
International custom law assignment help Sample by VAH Experts
Q.1 Discuss the role of the World Customs Organization (WCO) in shaping International Custom Law? Q.2 What are the primary sources of International Custom Law?
Q.1 Ans. The World Customs Organization (WCO) plays a vital role in shaping International Custom Law by:
Developing Standardized Procedures: The WCO creates frameworks such as the Harmonized System (HS) for classifying traded goods.
Promoting Trade Facilitation: It helps streamline customs clearance procedures to reduce trade barriers.
Combating Illicit Trade: The organization assists in enforcing regulations against smuggling, counterfeiting, and fraud.
Capacity Building: WCO provides training and technical assistance to national customs authorities to ensure compliance with international norms.
By harmonizing customs laws across nations, the WCO ensures a more predictable and efficient global trade environment.
Q.2 Ans. The primary sources of International Customs Law include:
International Treaties and Conventions – Agreements such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the Revised Kyoto Convention provide guidelines for customs procedures.
Customary International Law – Long-standing trade practices accepted by nations as legally binding.
Judicial Decisions and Case Law – Rulings from international trade tribunals and courts influence the development of customs regulations.
National Legislations – Each country enacts customs laws that align with international trade standards.
Decisions of International Organizations – Bodies like the WCO issue guidelines and recommendations that shape global customs practices.
International custom law assignment help Sample by VAH Experts
What is customary international law?
Treaty law and customary international law are both sources of international law. Treaties such as the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 are written conventions where states formally establish specific rules. On the other hand, customary international law derives from "a common practice accepted as law". Such a practice can be found in official accounts of military operations but is also reflected in many other official documents, including military manuals, national law, and case law.