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Assignment sample solution of RIICWD507D - Prepare detailed geotechnical design

Discuss two (2) Australian and two (2) International Standards related detailed design geotechnical design. Write your answer using 150-200 words.

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Healthcare Assignment Sample


Answer :

Geotechnical design relies on standardized practices to ensure safety and reliability. Here are some key Australian and International Standards that guide this process:

Australian Standards:

AS 1726: Geotechnical Site Investigations: This standard gives directions for planning and conducting geotechnical site investigations. It deals with investigation methods, sampling techniques, and reporting guidelines, which are used to ensure subsurface conditions are well-understood.

AS 4678: Earth-retaining structures: This standard specifies requirements for the design and construction of earth-retaining structures. It covers aspects like design loads, stability analysis, and construction methods.

International Standards:

Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design: This is a European standard that provides a broad framework for geotechnical design. It covers site investigation, design methodologies, and specific design criteria for various geotechnical structures. Eurocode 7 promotes consistent geotechnical design practices across Europe.
ASTM International Standards (e.g., D1586 - Standard Test Method for Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils): ASTM provides many standards for soil testing and characterization. These standards establish procedures for determining soil properties, enabling data comparison across international projects. D1586 describes how to perform the Standard Penetration Test (SPT).