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Assignment question answer sample of Business Data Analyst

Q.1 In each month separately (September, October, and November) and also all together across these 3 months, how many patients are switched from Med A to Med B? In each month separately (Sept, Oct, Nov), how many patients are started on Med B having not been on Med A before?

Q.2. In each month separately (September, October, and November) and across all 3 months, for patients switched to Med B, what is the average number of weeks the patients were on Med A before being switched to Med B? (see time on medication definition below)

Q.3. What is the average total monthly dose per patient per month (in patients that switched) of Medication A before switching to Medication B (use time from question 5)? What is the average total monthly dose per patient per month of Medication B (in patients that switched - assume Med B dose is for 1 month)?

Q.4. If Medication A costs $1 for 100 units, what is the breakeven price point for Medication B (per unit of B)?

  1. 1
  2. 2

Business-And-Management Assignment Sample


Answer :
Month  Switches New Starts
Sep-12 71 5
Oct-12 10 5
Nov-12 0 6
Total (Sep–Nov) 81 16


Key Observations:

Most switches (71 patients) happened in September.
A smaller number of patients (10) switched in October.
No patients switched in November.
Some patients started directly on Med B without being on Med A before (gradually increasing in November).



Answer :


Q.2 Ans.

Month Avg Weeks Switch Count
Sep-12 9.43 71
Oct-12 14.47 10
Nov-12 0 0


Q.3 Ans. Average total monthly dose per patient before and after switching (Med A to Med B)

Metric Value
Number of patients analyzed 81
Med A - Avg monthly dose before switch 55,732.91
Med B - Avg monthly dose after switch 14.82


Detailed statistics:

Med A Monthly Doses:
Minimum: 421.76
Maximum: 250,987.45
Median: 35,214.78

Med B Monthly Doses:
Minimum: 1.00
Maximum: 54.00
Median: 11.50


Answer :

Q.4 Ans. Formula: Breakeven price per unit of Med B = Average monthly cost of Med A/ Average monthly cost of Med B

Cost of Med A = $1 per 100 units → $0.01 per unit
Average Monthly Dose of Med A (for switchers before switching) = 55,085.53 units
Average Monthly Dose of Med B (after switching) = 6.30 units

Breakeven Price Point for Medication B

Month-Year Breakeven Price Per Unit of Med B
2012-09 N/A (No Med A Data)
2012-10 $87.44 per unit

Key Observations:
For October switchers, the breakeven price for Med B would be $87.44 per unit to match the monthly cost of Med A.
September’s breakeven calculation is unavailable due to missing Med A data.