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Assignment question answer sample of CPC50220OL53SNE(B)

 Here is the Assignment question sample of course code CPC50220OL53SNE. This is an Assessment Task. 

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Practical-Assignment-Help Sample


Answer :

Scenario - Planning an Extension


Your client, Dwayne Johnson, has been living in his house at 4 Leary Avenue for two years. The house was built according to the plans provided with no major changes being made.
Mr Johnson would like to add a single-storey extension to accommodate an elderly relative. The extension will be small in size due to the limited available space on the block, but as a minimum must include a single bedroom combined with a living area and small bathroom for mobility access. The extension must also be fitted with handrails and wide doorframes, as the relative is frail and uses a walking frame and a wheelchair.
Mr Johnson has decided to situate the extension at the back of the garage. The initial plan involves the following:


5.6m x 4m slab (extended from back of garage)
Rear door of garage to be bricked/blocked/insulated
Window 8 of Family Room removed
Wide/Double doors inserted in place of W8
Sliding door at rear of new room into yard
Provide as a minimum a 1.2m wide landing from the rear of the extension to then connect a 2-meter ramp from the landing at the rear of the extension into garden
Make sure you do not obstruct W7 of the dwelling
Mobility-access bathroom
Double power outlet x 3
Downlight x 1
Smoke alarm if required refer to the NCC Volume 2 section Smoke alarms


What do I need to do?
You have made enquiries with the local planning authority, and they have requested that you provide a written breakdown of the works which you are proposing to carry out. The authority has requested that you present this in the form of a report. You are now required to prepare the report and include:


Use the M2 Activity 1.2 - Answer sheet V1.0 Template provided for you
Classification of building according to BCA criteria and how this is determined
Breakdown of work you wish to carry out
List of criteria you will devise to make sure each of the client requirements (laid out in the instructions) comply with BCA performance requirements
Reference to assessment methods in the BCA to ensure solutions and actions meet the BCA requirements
List of documentation you will need to complete in accordance with BCA requirements
Check and explain if the current building meets requirements for smoke alarms, and if the new area needs one fitted.
Explain how you would ensure the new structure meets the passive fire resistance requirements.
Provide an overlay sketch onto the site plan for the project to show your proposed solution.
OHS considerations you will plan for if the project is approved.
Use the template below (Included M2 Activity 1.2 - Answer sheet ) in the  to sketch in your Proposed extension and ramp


How will I be assessed for this task?

For this task you are required to submit the following:

Completed report covering all above requirements
Use the Report Template to complete your report this can be downloaded from the project portfolio
Report must be grammatically correct and formatted


Executive Summary


The purpose of this document is to provide  This assessment task requires you to liaise with clients, stakeholders, specialists and approval authorities to submit planning documents in a logical, accurate and complete manner for a building project PN 33838 Leary Avenue as specified.

Project Aim

Submit a Planning Report Detailing the following requirements

(Insert Your description here)
Key Requirements to be submitted as a part of this Report

  • Classification of building according to BCA criteria and how this is determined
  • Breakdown of work you wish to carry out
  • List of criteria you will devise to make sure each of the client requirements (laid out in the instructions) comply with BCA performance requirements
  • Reference to assessment methods in the BCA to ensure solutions and actions meet the BCA requirements
  • List of documentation you will need to complete in accordance with BCA requirements
  • Check and explain if the current building meets requirements for smoke alarms, and if the new area needs one fitted.
  • Explain how you would ensure the new structure meets the passive fire resistance requirements.
  • Provide an overlay sketch onto the site plan for the project to show your proposed solution.
  • OHS considerations you will plan for if the project is approved.


Report Written By:     (You Name)
Project  Names:        
Project No.
Project Adress Details:  

Describe your Scenario

(Insert Your Scenario Here)

Target Audience

(Insert Your Description  Here)

Report Outcomes

  • Classification of building according to BCA criteria and how this is determined

(Insert Your Answer Here)

  • Breakdown of work you wish to carry out

(Insert Your Answer Here)

  • List of criteria you will devise to make sure each of the client requirements (laid out in the instructions) comply with BCA performance requirements

(Insert Your Answer Here)

  • Reference to assessment methods in the BCA to ensure solutions and actions meet the BCA requirements

(Insert Your Answer Here)

  • List of documentation you will need to complete in accordance with BCA requirements

(Insert Your Answer Here)

  • Check and explain if the current building meets requirements for smoke alarms, and if the new area needs one fitted.

(Insert Your Answer Here)

  • Explain how you would ensure the new structure meets the passive fire resistance requirements.

(Insert Your Answer Here)

  • Provide an overlay sketch onto the site plan for the project to show your proposed solution.

(Insert Your Answer Here)

  • OHS considerations you will plan for if the project is approved.

(Insert Your Answer Here)


(Insert Your Answer Here)