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Assignment sample solution of BSBOPS304 - Deliver and monitor a service to customers

Assume you are working as a receptionist for Bounce Fitness, a premiere fitness centre located in Australia.

Access and review the following policies and procedures from Bounce Fitness relevant to customer service from the link below:

  • Customer Relationship Management Policies and Procedures
  • Complaints Policy
  • Customer Resolution Procedure

Answer the following questions regarding the customer service of Bounce Fitness.

Specific documents required to answer each set of questions are specified in instructions below.

  1. 1
  2. 2

Management Assignment Sample


Answer :

Review the Customer Relationship Management Policies and Procedures of Bounce Fitness to answer items a and b.

A. List at least four customer service standards covered by the policy.

  • Bounce Fitness considers anyone who contacts or communicates with as a valued customer
  • Bounce Fitness is dedicated to giving customers the best possible customer service.
  • Bounce Fitness is dedicated to processing any enquiry in the timeliest way possible.
  • Bounce Fitness is dedicated to meeting customer’s realistic expectations in the highest quality of services.

Complete the table below.
Outline steps for establishing and maintaining relationships with customers.

Six steps for establishing relationships with customers.


Smile and be courteous and friendly at all times
Use their name and introduce yourself
Ask questions to identify their needs.
Create a new client file.
Explain what Bounce Fitness is about and what products and services are offered.
Take the new client for a tour around the centre

Five steps for maintaining relationships with customers


Smile and be courteous and friendly at all times.
Use their name.
Wear your name badge to ensure the client can identify you and your role at Bounce.
Offer assistance and advice.
Ask questions to identify if their needs are being met or if they need further assistance.

Review the Complaints Policy of Bounce Fitness to answer items c to f.

Outline the goals of the policy for addressing customer complaints. 

Bounce Fitness values complaints as they help improve products, services, and customer service.
The policy ensures consistent, fair, and confidential complaint handling.
Complaints should be resolved quickly and easily lodged by customers.
Customers making complaints will be treated equally and with respect.
The complaint handling policy and procedures will be clearly displayed in the business.

Outline procedures for recording complaints


Procedures for Recording Complaints
All complaints (verbal or written) must be recorded at the time they are made.
Complaints must be copied to Head Office as soon as possible.
Staff members taking the complaint must record:
Customer's name and contact details
Full details of the complaint, including the date
Communication details and actions taken to resolve the complaint
A complaint template is provided for recording complaints.
Management monitors complaints for trends and works on solutions for recurring issues.
Customer information remains confidential unless written consent is given to share it.

Outline procedures for informing customers of progress  


Procedures for Informing Customers of Progress
Complaints are aimed to be resolved within 10 days.
Written complaints are acknowledged within 24 hours.
Customers are given an estimated resolution timeframe when making the complaint.
Customers are regularly updated on progress, especially if there are delays.
Any changes to products or services due to the complaint will be communicated.
After resolution, customers may be contacted later to check if they are satisfied with the process.

Outline procedures for responding to complaints  


Procedures for Responding to Complaints
All complaints are handled with courtesy.
Where possible, frontline staff resolve complaints immediately at the first point of contact.
If immediate resolution is not possible:
The customer is given a timeframe, a contact person, and complaint-handling details.
The staff member taking the complaint should, where possible, remain the point of contact.
If the complaint remains unresolved:
It is escalated to the General Manager or CEO, and the customer is given an updated resolution timeframe.
If the customer is still unsatisfied, they are informed of external complaint resolution options (e.g., Office of Consumer and Business Affairs, Equal Opportunity Commission).

Identify the day range when Bounce Fitness must be able to send feedback about the action taken to resolve a written complain.

Bounce Fitness must acknowledge written complaints within 24 hours.
Complaints should be resolved within 10 days where possible.

Identify the information that must be sent to the customer if Bounce Fitness cannot resolve their complain within the designated timeframe.


If Bounce Fitness cannot resolve the complaint within the designated 10-day timeframe, the customer must receive:
An updated timeframe for when the complaint is expected to be resolved.
A designated contact person who will handle further communication.
Details of the complaint handling process, including next steps.

Identify step that you must take if Bounce Fitness cannot resolve a customer complaint. 


If the complaint remains unresolved, it must be escalated to the General Manager or CEO.
If the customer is still dissatisfied after escalation, they must be informed about external complaint resolution options, such as:
Office of Consumer and Business Affairs
Equal Opportunity Commission