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Assignment sample solution of RIICWD533E - Prepare detailed design of civil concrete structures

Design report (500-600 words) – Reinforced Concrete Retaining Wall

Job Details:
Worker signature:
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Ensure you have covered the most important elements for each of the following sections :

Cover page - Project Name / Report Status (Draft / Final) / Local Authority Name (and Number) / Project Number and Contract Number (if relevant) / Date (Month / Year)

Body of the report – including Risks identified / Risk likelihood, consequence and rating / Risk controls / Evaluation of design options for civil concrete structure


Calculations including loads / shear forces / bending moments / Stresses / Areas / Volumes / Mass / sizes of components / Design plans / Joint and fastening options  / Cost estimates / Recommended concrete strengths / Recommended reinforcement sizing and location


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Civil Engineering Assignment Sample


Answer :

Job Details: Reinforced Concrete Retaining Wall
Worker signature: Jake
Worker name: Jake

Ensure you have covered the most important elements for each of the following sections:

Cover page - Project Name / Report Status (Draft / Final) / Local Authority Name (and Number) / Project Number and Contract Number (if relevant) / Date (Month / Year)

Project Name: Reinforced Concrete Retaining Wall for Green River Town
Report Status: Final
Local Authority Name: Green River Town Council (Approval Number: xx-xxxx-001)

Project Number: xxxx-45

Contract Number: xx-xx-xxxx-09

Date: X xxxx

Body of the report – including Risks identified / Risk likelihood, consequence and rating / Risk controls / Evaluation of design options for civil concrete structure


This report presents the design, risks, cost analysis, and technical specifications of the reinforced concrete retaining wall for Green River Town. The wall will prevent soil erosion, stabilize slopes, and protect roads and nearby infrastructure.

Risks Identified



Risk Rating

Risk Controls

Risks Identified

Heavy rain weakening soil




Strong drainage system

Heavy rain weakening soil

Worker injury on-site


Delayed work


Safety training and PPE

Worker injury on-site

Cracks in concrete


Structural failure


High-quality materials

Cracks in concrete

Equipment failure


Work delay


Regular maintenance

Equipment failure


Design Evaluation

Two design options were considered:

Option 1: Concrete Wall with Steel Reinforcement

High strength and long-lasting

More cost-effective than adding extra drainage

Easier and faster to build


Option 2: Concrete Wall with Extra Drainage

Helps prevent water build-up in wet conditions

More expensive due to additional pipes and excavation

Takes longer to construct


Recommendation: Option 1 was chosen due to its strength, cost-effectiveness, and faster construction time.

Calculations including loads / shear forces / bending moments / Stresses / Areas / Volumes / Mass / sizes of components / Design plans / Joint and fastening options / Cost estimates / Recommended concrete strengths / Recommended reinforcement sizing and location

1. Load Calculations

a) Self-weight of the Retaining Wall

Wc=Volume×Unit Weight of Concrete

  • Volume of wall
    • Base: (0.6 m thickness × 3.4 m width × 1 m length)
    • Stem: (0.6 m × 7 m × 1 m length)

V = (0.6×3.4×1) + (0.6×7×1) = 2.04+4.2=6.24m3

Wc​=6.24×25=156 kN per meter length

b) Lateral Earth Pressure (Active Pressure)
Using Rankine’s active earth pressure formula:


  • Ka = 0.35
  • Unit weight of soil (γ) = 18 kN/m³
  • H = 7m

Pa=0.35×18×49/2=154.35 kN/m (total)
Location of force:

c) Surcharge Load (Uniform Load)


  • Surcharge pressure (q) = 10 kPa = 10 kN/m²

Ps=0.35×10×7=24.5 kN/m
Location of force:
Half height=H/2=7/2=3.5m

2. Shear Force & Bending Moment Calculations

  • Total lateral force:

P=Pa+Ps=154.35+24.5=178.85 kN/m

Moment about base (considering forces at 2.33m & 3.5m):

M=445.38 kN.m

3. Stability Checks

a) Overturning Moment


Mo​=445.38 kN.m

b) Resisting Moment (from self-weight)

Mr=Wc×1.7+(Soil Passive Resistance)

Assuming Passive Pressure adds significant resistance. The factor of safety should be >1.5.

4. Stress and Reinforcement Design

a) Base Pressure

σ=Wc+Pa+Ps/Base Area
σ=3.4346​=101.76 kN/m²
Safe as it is below permissible soil-bearing pressure.

b) Reinforcement Design

Using the flexural formula:
For M = 445.38 kN.m and fsγ = 500 MPa,
​Z=445.38×106 /500×106 


Provide reinforcement bars at 200 mm spacing (as per standard design).

Component Cost Calculation
Concrete 31,200 × 0.018 = $562
Steel Reinforcement 59,904 × 0.018 = $1,078
Excavation 76,500 × 0.018 = $1,377
Labour Costs 150,000 × 0.018 = $2,700
Total Estimated Cost $5,717

Final Recommendation
Safe Design: The calculations ensure stability against overturning and sliding.
Cost-Effective: The total cost remains within acceptable budget limits.
Drainage Considerations: Proper water removal ensures long-term durability.


Answer :

Design report (500-600 words) – Reinforced Concrete Retaining Wall

Job Details: Reinforced Retaining walls

Worker signature: Kevin

Worker name: Kevin

Ensure you have covered the most important elements for each of the following sections :

Cover page - Project Name / Report Status (Draft / Final) / Local Authority Name (and Number) / Project Number and Contract Number (if relevant) / Date (Month / Year)

Project Name: Rivertown Bridge Project
Report Status: Final
Authority Name: City of Rivertown Infrastructure Department
Date: March 2025

Body of the report – including Risks identified / Risk likelihood, consequence and rating / Risk controls / Evaluation of design options for civil concrete structure

Risk assessment – Retaining Wall

Risks (Any five)

Risk likelihood

Risk consequence

Risk rating

Risk controls

Structural failure due to inadequate reinforcement




Use high-strength reinforcement, conduct structural analysis, and comply with AS 5100 standards.

Soil erosion leading to instability




Implement proper drainage and use erosion control measures like geotextiles.

Water ingress causing foundation weakening




Use waterproof concrete and ensure adequate drainage.

Construction-related injuries




Ensure PPE, proper training, and adherence to safety protocols.

Material supply delays affecting project timeline




Establish reliable supplier contracts and plan for contingencies.


To ensure the stability and longevity of the retaining wall, two design options were considered:

The Sloped Concrete Retaining Wall is the preferred choice because:

The backward slope allows for a more even distribution of soil pressure, reducing the chances of failure.

Due to its structural efficiency, the risk of cracks and failure is lower.

The sloped design naturally encourages water to flow away, reducing hydrostatic pressure and potential water damage.

It is more resistant to environmental factors like earthquakes, erosion, and heavy rainfall.

Calculations including loads / shear forces / bending moments / Stresses / Areas / Volumes / Mass / sizes of components / Design plans / Joint and fastening options  / Cost estimates / Recommended concrete strengths / Recommended reinforcement sizing and location

1. Load Calculations

Given Data:

  • Height of retaining wall: 6 m
  • Thickness of wall: 0.3 m
  • Density of concrete: 2400 kg/m³
  • Density of soil: 1800 kg/m³
  • Surcharge load (additional load on top): 10 kN/m²
  • Coefficient of earth pressure (Ka): 0.33

Total Load on the Wall

  1. Self-weight of the Wall:
    • Volume of wall per meter length = Height × Thickness = 6 × 0.3 = 1.8 m³
    • Mass = 1.8 × 2400 = 4320 kg
    • Load = 4320 × 9.81 = 42.3 kN/m
  2. Soil Pressure on the Wall:
    • Lateral earth pressure at the base = Ka × Density of soil × Height² / 2
    • = 0.33 × 1800 × (6²) / 2
    • = 17.82 kN/m²
  3. Surcharge Load:
    • Lateral force = Ka × Surcharge load × Height
    • = 0.33 × 10 × 6
    • = 19.8 kN/m

Total Lateral Load on the Wall = (Soil Pressure + Surcharge Load) = 17.82 + 19.8 = 37.62 kN/m

2. Shear Force and Bending Moment Calculations

To check the structural safety of the wall:

  • Maximum Shear Force (Vmax)
    • Shear force at base = Total lateral force = 37.62 kN/m
  • Maximum Bending Moment (Mmax)
    • Bending moment at base = (Total lateral force × Height) / 3
    • = (37.62 × 6) / 3
    • = 75.24 kN.m/m


3. Stress Calculations

  • Compressive Stress in Concrete:
    • σ = Load / Cross-sectional area
    • = 42.3 kN / (0.3 × 1)
    • = 141 kN/m² (141 MPa)
  • Shear Stress:
    • τ = Shear force / (Width × Depth)
    • = 37.62 / (0.3 × 6)
    • = 20.9 kN/m² (20.9 MPa)


4. Area, Volume, and Mass

  • Base Area:
    • Base width = 1.5 m
    • Area = 1.5 × 6 = 9 m²
  • Concrete Volume:
    • Volume = Base Area × Thickness
    • = 9 × 0.3 = 2.7 m³
  • Total Mass of Concrete Used:
    • Mass = 2.7 × 2400 = 6480 kg


5. Recommended Concrete Strength

  • Concrete Grade: M30 (30 MPa compressive strength)
  • Reinforcement Steel: Fe500 (500 MPa yield strength)


6. Recommended Reinforcement Sizing and Location

  • Main Reinforcement (Vertical Bars):
    • Diameter: 16 mm
    • Spacing: 150 mm center-to-center
    • Placement: Near the tension face of the wall
  • Horizontal Reinforcement (Tie Bars):
    • Diameter: 12 mm
    • Spacing: 200 mm center-to-center
  • Base Slab Reinforcement:
    • Bottom layer: 20 mm bars at 120 mm spacing
    • Top layer: 12 mm bars at 200 mm spacing


7. Joint and Fastening Options

  • Construction Joints:
    • Used to separate sections of the retaining wall.
    • Placed at every 3 m interval.
    • Joints filled with waterproofing material.
  • Fastening Method:
    • Rebars anchored using epoxy-coated steel ties for corrosion resistance.
    • Welded steel plates for added stability at the base.


Cost estimation 

Field investigations, soil testing, laboratory analysis, engineering report


Client meetings, concept and detailed design, peer review


Concrete, reinforcement strips, face blocks, drainage aggregate


Base preparation, material handling, compaction, cranage


Site inspections, coordination, reporting


All combined costs



Final recommendation

Make the base of the wall thicker for extra support, especially in weak soil.

Improve waterproofing by using special sealants to prevent water from getting inside the concrete.