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Assignment sample solution of Business Data Analyst

Q.1 What is the total number of units utilized/administered (how much was used) in each month for each medication across all patients?

Q.2 How many patients received Med A in each month from July to Nov? Med B?

Q.3. What's the average total monthly dose per patient for each medication in each month (July to Nov)? 

  1. 1
  2. 2

Business-And-Management Assignment Sample


Answer :
Month-Year Med A Med B
2012-07 4303700 0
2012-08 4477100 0
2012-09 849900 535
2012-10 0 393
2012-11 75300 420
2012-12 10200 1


Key observations:


  • Med A had significantly higher usage, peaking in July-August 2012 with over 4 million units per month
  • Med B was introduced in September 2012 with much lower usage levels (hundreds of units)
  • Both medications show a general declining trend towards the end of 2012



Answer :

Patients receiving Med A by Month:

Med   Year Month Patient Count
Med A 2012-07 92
Med A 2012-08 92
Med A 2012-09 73
Med A 2012-11 4


Patients receiving med B by month:

Med Year Month Patient Count
Med B 2012-09 76
Med B 2012-10 66
Med B 2012-11 72


Key Observations:

Med A was widely used in July and August, with 92 patients each month.
Med B was introduced in September with 76 patients starting it.
By October, no patients were on Med A.
Med B continued being used in November and December, with a declining number of patients.




Answer :

 Average total monthly dose per patient for each medication from July to November:

Year-Month Med A Avg Monthly Dose Med B Avg Monthly Dose
2012-07 46779.35  
2012-08 48664.13  
2012-09 11642.47 7.04
2012-10   5.95
2012-11 18825 5.83


Key Observations:

Med A usage per patient was highest in July and August (~47K–48K units).
As Med B was introduced, Med A’s usage per patient dropped significantly in September.
Med B usage per patient remained stable around ~5-7 units in later months.