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Assignment sample solution of COMP1000 - Introduction to Computing

You have been asked to develop a basic program allowing users to interact with a personal finance management system. The system should allow the user to:

  • Track daily expenses by category (e.g., groceries, entertainment, bills, etc.).
  • Calculate monthly savings based on income and expenses.
  • Generate a monthly report that summarizes the total income, total expenses by category, and the net savings for the month.
  • Provide an option to add, update, or remove categories of expenses.

Design and implement a simple algorithm for this system and explain how you would break down this problem into smaller tasks. Also, provide code snippets in a programming language (Python or similar) and explain the structure, logic, and flow of the program. How would you ensure the program can be easily modified and maintained for future use?

  1. 1
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It Write Up Assignment Sample


Answer :

The task at hand involves developing a personal finance management system that allows users to track their expenses, calculate monthly savings, and generate reports. The program should also support modifying categories of expenses. The core functionality can be broken down into several components, which I will outline as follows:

  • Expense Tracking: The program must record expenses by category.
  • Savings Calculation: It will calculate monthly savings based on income and expenses.
  • Report Generation: The system should generate a detailed monthly report summarizing the income, expenses, and savings.
  • Category Management: Users should be able to modify the expense categories, such as adding, updating, or removing categories.

Breaking Down the Problem:

We will divide the problem into the following tasks:

  • Data Structures: We need an efficient way to store expense data.
  • Functionality: Implement functions to add, remove, and update expenses and categories.
  • User Interface: A simple text-based interface to interact with the user.
  • Report Generation: A function to generate a summary report.
  • Error Handling and Validation: Ensure user input is validated for correctness.

Choosing Data Structures:

For tracking expenses, we can use a dictionary to store categories and their corresponding expenses. The keys will be the expense categories, and the values will be the total expenses for that category. For instance:
expenses = {

    "Groceries": 150,

    "Entertainment": 100,

    "Bills": 200


We also need a way to store the monthly income. This can be stored as a simple integer variable:
income = 3000

Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Program:

1. Initial Setup:

We start by initializing the basic data structures:

  • A dictionary to track expenses by category.

  • A variable for monthly income.

  • Functions for managing the categories and calculating savings.

2. Adding an Expense:

We will create a function that allows the user to enter an expense amount and category. If the category already exists, it will add the new expense to the total for that category. Otherwise, it will create a new category.


def add_expense(expenses):

    category = input("Enter the expense category: ")

    amount = float(input("Enter the expense amount: "))

    if category in expenses:

        expenses[category] += amount


        expenses[category] = amount

    print(f"Expense of {amount} added to {category}.\n")


3. Updating an Expense:

To update an expense, we’ll allow the user to change the amount for a specific category. If the category doesn't exist, the user will be prompted to add it.



def update_expense(expenses):

    category = input("Enter the expense category to update: ")

    if category in expenses:

        new_amount = float(input(f"Enter the new amount for {category}: "))

        expenses[category] = new_amount

        print(f"Expense for {category} updated to {new_amount}.\n")


        print(f"Category {category} not found.\n")


4. Removing an Expense Category:

This function allows users to remove an entire category from the expenses dictionary.


def remove_expense(expenses):

    category = input("Enter the expense category to remove: ")

    if category in expenses:

        del expenses[category]

        print(f"Category {category} removed.\n")


        print(f"Category {category} not found.\n")


5. Calculating Savings:

To calculate savings, we subtract the total expenses from the income. The program will sum all the expenses in the dictionary and calculate the difference from the monthly income.


def calculate_savings(income, expenses):

    total_expenses = sum(expenses.values())

    savings = income - total_expenses

    return savings


6. Generating a Monthly Report:

This function will print a summary of total income, expenses by category, and the net savings.


def generate_report(income, expenses):

    total_expenses = sum(expenses.values())

    savings = calculate_savings(income, expenses)


    print("\n--- Monthly Report ---")

    print(f"Total Income: ${income}")

    print(f"Total Expenses: ${total_expenses}")


    for category, amount in expenses.items():

        print(f"{category}: ${amount}")


    print(f"Net Savings: ${savings}\n")


7. Main Menu and User Interaction:

We now need a loop that allows the user to interact with the system. The user can choose to add, update, or remove expenses, calculate savings, or generate a report.



def main():

    expenses = {}

    income = float(input("Enter your monthly income: $"))


    while True:

        print("\n--- Personal Finance Management ---")

        print("1. Add Expense")

        print("2. Update Expense")

        print("3. Remove Expense Category")

        print("4. View Monthly Report")

        print("5. Exit")


        choice = input("Choose an option: ")


        if choice == '1':


        elif choice == '2':


        elif choice == '3':


        elif choice == '4':

            generate_report(income, expenses)

        elif choice == '5':

            print("Exiting the program.")



            print("Invalid option. Please try again.")

Ensuring Maintainability and Modularity:

To ensure the program is easily modifiable and maintainable:

  • Modular Design: The program is broken down into functions (e.g., add_expense, remove_expense, generate_report) that handle specific tasks. This makes it easier to modify one part of the system (e.g., adding new features or updating logic) without affecting other parts.
  • Comments and Documentation: Each function and significant part of the code is commented to explain what it does, making it easier for future developers (or even yourself) to understand and extend the program.
  • Flexible Data Structures: The dictionary used to store expenses is flexible, allowing for easy additions and removals of categories. This ensures that new expense categories can be added or updated without significant changes to the codebase.
  • Error Handling: The program performs basic error checking (e.g., checking if a category exists before updating or removing it). Additional validation checks, such as ensuring the entered amount is a positive number, can be added to enhance robustness.
  • User Experience: The user interface is simple and text-based, but can be extended into a GUI if needed in the future using libraries like Tkinter or PyQt.


This personal finance management system provides a basic yet efficient solution for tracking expenses, calculating savings, and generating monthly reports. By using simple data structures like dictionaries and breaking the program into small, manageable functions, we ensure the system is both functional and maintainable. With proper error handling, this system can be easily modified or extended as new requirements emerge.