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Sample Solution for AURTTA105 - Select and use bearings, seals, gaskets, sealants and adhesives

Q1. How should waste lubricants and grease be stored and disposed of?

Q2. Describe the following basic types of gasket construction.

Q3. Describe briefly how the front-wheel bearings of a rear-wheel-drive vehicle would be adjusted.

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Mechanical Engineering Assignment Sample


Answer :

Storing Waste Lubricants and Grease:

Use Sealed Containers: Keep waste lubricants and grease in leak-proof, labeled containers.
Store in Cool, Dry Place: Keep them away from heat, flames, and sunlight.
Separate from Other Chemicals: Don’t mix waste grease with other chemicals to avoid reactions.
Tightly Seal Containers: Always close containers properly to prevent spills.

Disposing of Waste Lubricants and Grease:

Never Dump in Drains or Ground: Do not pour waste grease or oil in drains, sewers, or on the ground.
Recycle If Possible: Take used oil to recycling centers that accept it.
Take to Disposal Facility: For safe disposal, bring waste lubricants to a certified waste disposal site.
Follow Local Rules: Make sure to follow local laws for waste oil and grease disposal


Answer :

Plain gaskets:
These are basic gaskets made from a single layer of material like rubber, cork, or paper. They don’t have any extra layers or special treatments. They are used to seal flat surfaces and prevent leaks.

Layered gaskets:
These gaskets are made from multiple layers of material, such as rubber or metal. The layers help make the gasket stronger and more durable, offering better sealing against high pressure or temperature.

Bonded gaskets:
Bonded gaskets are made by attaching two or more materials together. For example, one layer of rubber may be bonded to a metal layer. This combination provides better sealing and resistance to heat, chemicals, or pressure.

Embossed (corrugated) steel gaskets:
These gaskets are made from metal (usually steel) with a wavy or corrugated shape. The raised areas create a better seal when compressed, and they are used in high-pressure or high-temperature situations like in engines or exhaust systems.



Answer :

Lift the vehicle: Use a jack to lift the front of the vehicle off the ground and secure it with jack stands.
Remove the wheel: Take off the front wheel to access the bearing hub.

Check the bearing play: Hold the hub and try to move it side to side. If there’s any play or movement, the bearing needs adjustment
Loosen the nut: Find the bearing nut like usually in the centre of the hub and loosen it.
Adjust the bearing: Tighten or loosen the nut until there's no play in the bearing, but still a small amount of movement (not too tight).
Re-tighten the nut: Once properly adjusted, re-tighten the nut to the correct torque specification
Reassemble: Put the wheel back on and lower the vehicle