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Sample Solution for SITHCCC005 Prepare Dishes Using Basic Methods Of Cookery

Describe the meaning of mise en place and mention any three of its benefits in preparing, cooking and presenting food.

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Diploma Courses Assignment Sample


Answer :

Mise en place:

It is a culinary process in which all the ingredients are prepared and arranged before cooking. This may include washing and chopping vegetables or meats, preparing pans, and mixing bowls and knives. All ingredients are cut, peeled, chopped and grated. Mise en place requires five steps:

  • Know your recipe
  • Create your content
  • Organize your content
  • Set the oven temperature
  • Wash the dishes.

Benefits of mise en place:

  • It can help reduce food preparation costs: You can buy ingredients in bulk and enjoy discounts. Also, you can store the ingredients for the following food preparation.
  • Saves time: You can cook food in a limited time if your ingredients are properly arranged and prepared before cooking.
  • It can help in making the work easier.

Q1: Explain why foods with over two years of shelf life do not require date markings.

Answer :

The food with a shelf-life that is over two years-

  • Preservation method- foods with a two-year shelf-life can be preserved through various methods, such as canned foods for preserving vegetables. This method effectively inhibits microbial growth chemical reactions that may lead to spoilage and deterioration of food quality.
  • Stability- ability and other stable methods help extend the existing food's shelf-life. They help create a bacteria-free environment that prevents food from securing and preserving it longer.
  • Legal consideration- the legal consideration should be checked to ensure the food with shorter manufacturing or use-by dates meets the standard and quality.