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How to Write a Case Study Paper in APA Format

Whether you study social science or life science, you will likely encounter a case study in your educational journey. These papers demand a lot from the students. Firstly, you must have impeccable research and analysis skills. Analyzing sample populations, especially people, can be difficult. It is easy to misinterpret the data and draw the wrong conclusions. In addition, you should have the habit of writing to present your findings in an evidence-based way which gives your teacher the confidence to accept the results of your work. If you need to bump up your paper, consider these guidelines on writing a case study in APA.

case study apa format

Importance of Case Study Format

Using the right case study analysis format is just as important as including important information. Therefore, it is essential to keep all the drafting guidelines in mind for a complete case study.

Each college and university sets its requirements for drafting a case study. Therefore, checking what format style requirements your institution has set is essential. The most commonly used styles for formatting a case study are APA and MLA formats, but some institutions use other referencing formats.

In the case of case studies in APA and MLA style, reference pages will be underlined in APA and MLA styles. Keep in mind that teachers pay special attention to formatting. Therefore, neglecting to format your case study properly can affect your grade.

Structure of Case Study Report In APA

Case study introduction

Introduce your topic to your target audience. A good case study introduction should contain enough background information on the results of previous studies on your topic so that the audience can familiarize themselves with the chosen topic. At the same time, don't burden your introduction with unnecessary details. The length of the introduction depends on the length of your case study.

Case study aims

The purpose of your case study is suggested in your thesis statement. A research proposal should outline the scope of your research, emphasizing the issues you intend to address.

Case study methods

It is important to inform your audience about the methods you used to collect your information. It may include interviews, academic journals, statistics, or observations.

Case Study Results

As the name suggests, this section is devoted to the results of your research. First, tell the audience what you discovered and whether it has any theoretical or practical significance.

Case study discussion

This section should answer the following questions: Why did you choose this specific topic? What did you find about it? What are some alternative approaches to its analysis?

Case Study Recommendations

Keep in mind that this is not a research paper, so your conclusion should not only reiterate the ideas discussed in the paper but also make practical recommendations.

How to Write a Case Study in APA Style


Because a case study focuses on a real person or situation, authors must protect participants' privacy without compromising the information provided. The APA publication manual suggests changing distinguishing characteristics such as name or age and giving only those details that are important to the study or mix of participants. Anyone reading the study, including the subject and those who know him well, should not be able to identify the focus of the study.


The segments of study depend on the field. For example, many APA-style papers include methods, results, and discussion sections. Some require the inclusion of a literature review to establish what current publications say about the topic. Others, such as nursing case studies, may follow more specific structures that include sections to explain the illness, give the subject's history, explain the nurse's assessment, list the diagnosis and treatment options, and have a discussion. Finish with section. Writers should select components appropriate to the area and purpose of the particular study.


All APA-style papers, including case studies, must have a title page, abstract, and running head. The title page contains the name of the work, author and institution. The abstract, or summary of the paper, lists the essential features of the topic, the concern and the resolution or questions arising from the study. Finally, the running head appears in a header that gives the paper's title on the left side of each page and the page number on the right side.


APA-style case studies also need to acknowledge borrowed material through signal phrases or parenthetical citations that give the author's last name and publication year. Direct quotes also give page or paragraph numbers. Other information about the source, such as the title, publisher, and URLs to online sources, appears on a reference page at the end of the paper, where each source appears alphabetically with a hanging indent. The specific format varies depending on the type of source.


Writing an effective college paper requires a lot of planning and drafting to get it right. Review these guidelines for writing your paper in APA format. Contact our professional writers if you need someone to review your work or write any part of your paper. They are always willing to assist.

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