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CHCECE023 & CHCECE026 Student Assessment | online assignment help

Student Assessment

CHCECE023 Analyse information to Inform Learning & CHCECE026 Work in Partnership with Families to Provide Appropriate Education and Care for Children


This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for the assessment of two units in this topic. About your assessments

This unit requires that you complete three assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks to achieve Competency for this unit. 

Assessment Task About this task
Assessment Task 1: Written questions

You must correctly answer all 3 questions to show that you understand the knowledge required of this unit.

Assessment Task 2: Case studies

You are required to complete the case studies by answering each of the questions.

Assessment Task 3: Project - Observe,
document, and analyze information about

There are five parts to this assessment:

  • § Part A: You are required to observe, document, and analyze information for three focus children.
  • § Part B: You are required to prepare a summative assessment to reflect on the learning outcomes of three focus children.
  • § Part C: You are required to write an invitation to three families to collaborate with the service.
  • § Part D: You will collaborate with others to plan for the future learning of each of the three focus children.
  • § Part E: You will answer a set of written questions relating to Parts A and B of this assessment. 
Assessment Task 4: Roleplay in the
You are required to participate in role-playing providing and receiving information to a parent whose child is enrolling in the service.


The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this topic. You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency for the Units in this topic.

Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write to them in the table below. Assessment Requirements Due date

1. Written questions

2. Case studies

3. Project - Observe, document, and analyse information about children

4. Roleplay in the


CHCECE023 & CHCECE026 Student Assessment




You are to answer all the questions in this task.


  • Access to textbooks and other learning materials.

  • Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your answers).


  • If you’re a workplace-based student you will do this task in your own time.

  • If you’re a classroom-based student you will do this task in the classroom or as homework – your assessor will advise.

Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________________


Your answers to all the questions attempted in a professional manner and submitted on time.


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will need to do one of the following:

  • Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.

  • Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.


  • This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as a reference.

  • You need to answer all 3 questions correctly.

  • You must answer the questions by writing in the space provided.

  • If you need more space, you can use extra paper. Make sure you write on each extra piece of paper your name and the question number/s you are answering.

  • You may prefer to use your computer to type your answers. Your assessor will let you know if you can email your answers as a Word file, or if you must print and submit hard copies.

Additional questions on the given topic:

How do you include families in their children’s learning and development?

Families can be included in their children’s learning and development by following the given tips:

  • Creating a blog or a class website

  • Offering up volunteer opportunities

  • Maintain clarity

  • Have channels of communication that are open

  • Promoting flexibility

What is the importance of working with families in an early childhood education setting?

Parental involvement helps in the early childhood education in the following ways:

  • Extending the teaching experience of the child outside and beyond the classroom

  • Creating an experience for the child that is positive

  • Helping the children with better performance in their school

How do educators ensure that regular sharing of information is taking place with the families?

To ensure regular sharing of information, the following can be done:

  • Regular scheduled meetings between the teachers and the parents

  • Establish the goals for their child and communicate any variations in the same that may occur

  • Obtain the information about the child’s strengths and the method of their learning from the parents

  • Be sure that the email address and phone numbers of the parents are available with the educator

How is information gathered about the family and their community from the family?

Ways to gather information include but are not limited to:

  • Conversations

  • Questionnaires

  • Mapping

  • Problem solving

  • Environmental scan

Why is it beneficial to include the voice of the educators, child’s peers and families when gathering information about the child?

It is beneficial to include the voice of the above-mentioned people as:

  • It helps to understand a child’s development and learning

  • It makes the parents observe their child’s progress and learning while in action

  • It helps the parents to understand the approach that would be taken to improve their child’s abilities, capabilities and skills.

How is information gathered about a child’s interests?

A child’s interest can be found by observing a child and having conversations with them as well as their friends, family and any other person related to them.

How is children’s information protected in childcare?

To protect the children’s information, all the written information should be kept in a safe place like a locked cabinet or an office and the verbal information should be kept as a secret by the educators as a policy of the childcare with severe consequences in case of breach of the policy.

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