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CPCCBC5010B - Manage construction work

RTO: 22332 Version: 3.1

CRICOS: 03234B Page 19 of 30

Assessment Task 2 – Observations / Demonstrations

The CPCCBC 5010B assessment task is due on the date specified in your timetable which is the last date of the unit. Any variations of this arrangement Manage construction work must be approved in writing by your assessor.

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This assessment is to be completed in the classroom/workshop/simulation setting at Harward International College. The required submission should be done by completing the work within the scheduled period for the unit in accordance with the instructions given below. This assessment requires you to demonstrate your ability to manage construction work by completing a significant work assignment. The assessor may provide the response, based on the observation (direct/indirect/supplementary) in the checklist (marking guide) given in this task.

  •  Direct – such as an observation of workplace performance by an assessor
  •  Indirect – such as a portfolio of evidence
  •  Supplementary – such as supervisor reports.

The task has assessment activities, designed to assess your skills, knowledge, and performance, as required to show competency in this unit. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by your trainer/assessor.

Skills, knowledge, and performance may be termed as:

  •  Skills – skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills
  •  Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge, knowledge evidence
  •  Performance – evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance evidence.

Section A: CPCCBC5010B Skills Activity

The Skills Activity of Manage construction work is designed to be a series of demonstrative tasks that should be assessed by observation. It will demonstrate all of the skills required for this unit of competency – your assessor will provide further instructions to you, if necessary.

Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

The Knowledge Activity, in addition to task 1, is designed to be a verbal questionnaire where the assessor asks you a series of questions to confirm your competency for all of the required knowledge in the unit of competency. Section C: Performance Activity

The Performance Activity is designed to be a practical activity performed either in the workplace or a simulated environment. You should demonstrate the required practical tasks for the unit of competency and be observed by the assessor.

If necessary, for the activities, you should attach completed written answers, portfolios, or any evidence of competency.

Section A: Skills Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this unit. This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:

  •  Communication skills to:
    •  enable clear and direct communication, using questioning to identify and confirm requirements, share information, listen and understand
    •  liaise with subcontractors, staff, and clients, as well as with local or regulatory authorities on matters relating to site conditions or approvals
    •  notify personnel of meetings
    •  read and interpret:
      •  documentation from a variety of sources
      •  plans, specifications, and drawings
    •  use and interpret non-verbal communication
    •  use language and concepts appropriate to cultural differences
    •  written skills to:
  •  complete site communication requirements
  •  record and report relevant information
  •  Establishing, implementing, and maintaining a safe working environment
  •  Financial management skills to ensure that progress payments are made on time and on the basis of work successfully completed
  •  Management skills in order to manage personnel and resources to effectively achieve contract or project objectives
  •  Negotiation skills to enable effective negotiation on industrial relations issues
  •  Numeracy skills to apply calculations
  •  Problem-solving skills to effectively resolve problems relating to construction methodologies or practices.

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organizational requirements.

1. Demonstrate to the assessor your verbal and written communication skills whilst carrying out workplace duties.

You may carry out a range of tasks to demonstrate your skills, such as; arranging meetings, consulting liaising with a range of people (e.g. subcontractors, staff, clients, and local or regulatory authorities) on issues, reading plans, and other documents and writing reports.

You should be able to demonstrate they can communicate:

  •  Clearly and directly using questioning to identify and confirm requirements, share information, listen and understand
  •  By using and interpreting non-verbal communication
  •  Using language and concepts appropriate to cultural differences
  •  By writing
    •  site communications
    •  other relevant information

2. Establish CPCCBC5010B, implement and maintain a safe working environment including:

• On-site first aid facilities

  1. 1
  2. 2

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