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Online leadership assignment help

MGT301 Leadership

Assessment Task 2.-- individual (60%)

This assignment assesses your ability to work individually to deliver a set of Personality recommendations that are logically grounded in Leadership analysis, i.e. the material covered in weeks 1-12. This work will be the focus of the tutorials.

Cross-Cultural leadership and Strategic Leadership with respect to the Organisation Studies on the consequences of leader power are inconclusive, but findings indicate that effective leaders have more expert and referent power than less effective leaders rely on their personal power more than on their position power Several of the power studies also indicate that it is beneficial for leaders to have at least a moderate amount of position power The amount of necessary power for a leader will depend on what needs to be accomplished and on the leader’s skill in using the available power

1. Determine the eleven proactive influence tactics identified in a research program carried out to explore proactive tactics used to influence subordinates and peers as well as bosses.

2. research suggests that team leaders need technical expertise, cognitive skills, interpersonal and political skills, and administrative skills relevant for project management. How each type of skill is relevant for leadership in cross-functional project teams?

3. To make full use of the talent represented by the diverse members of the organization, how it is essential to eliminate constraints that prevent qualified people from selection for important positions

Output: 3000 words (word format document) submitted via Turnitin by 27/09/2020

On a ‘no fault’ basis (i.e. it does not matter what reasons or circumstances are ‘to blame’) late submissions will first be graded and then a deduction of 5% per day late will be made to that grade.

Assessment requirements and format

  •  Due date: Week 12 Sunday 27/09/2020 5:00 pm
  •  3000 words (excluding references)
  •  Times New Roman 12pt, 1.5 lines spacing, Harvard (Anglia) references.
  •  You need to support your report with a minimum of FOUR (4) suitable, reliable, and academically acceptable sources.
  •  You MUST use each of the following resources:
  •  Textbook
  •  website
  •  academic article
  •  Newspaper article or other media commentary

Assignment structure

  •  Coversheet
  •  Introduction
  •  Body (Relevant and suitable headings and subheadings)
  •  Conclusion
  •  Reference list

Assignment approximate word count

  •  Introduction 150
  •  Question 1 500-700
  •  Question 2 500-700
  •  Question 3 800-1000
  •  Conclusion 150

Assignment marking guide

  •  Introduction 5
  •  Question 1 30
  •  Question 2 30
  •  Question 3 20
  •  Conclusion 5
  •  Correct report format and referencing 10
  •  Total 100, then converted to a mark out of 60.

Presentation of Assignments

  •  All Individual assignments must be attached to a Group Assignment Cover Sheet that must be signed and dated before submission.
  •  Students may not submit work for an assignment that has previously been submitted for this course or any other course.
  •  Assessment soft copy must be submitted along with the “Similarity Report” from Turnitin, ( Minimum 10% to Maximum 25%)
  1. 1
  2. 2

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