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Assessment Task 1 - Project V1.2

For this assessment, you must complete the following written activity. Total Assessment 1 length should be 800 - 1500 words.

You must accurately reference all of your external sources of information Conflict is inevitable, your role as the Human Resources Manager is to have a conflict resolution procedure that all members of your team agree to prior to any conflict occurring. Not all conflict is overt some conflict will be subverted and it is one of the responsibilities of your supervisors and team members to recognize signs of conflict and to intervene immediately to prevent any escalation The benefit of early intervention is that a win/win outcome is more likely and there is less likely to be damage to workplace relationships. In the first task you are required to respond to the questions concerning identifying conflict:

Task 1: Identify conflict situations

  • Ø Describe the early indicators for conflict and an appropriate intervention strategy to prevent escalation.
  • Ø Provide two examples where the personal safety of customers or colleagues may be threatened and what an appropriate response would be to each.
  • Ø Nominate two areas where resources to assist in managing conflict may be located.

Task 2: Resolve conflict.

As mentioned earlier conflict is inevitable, while the term conflict generally is associated with negative encounters, the conflict itself is neither inherently good nor inherently bad. In fact, engaging in conflict can have positive effects on relationships and organizations. Conflict fosters an awareness that problems exist, discussing conflicting views can lead to better solutions, and managing conflict is quicker and more efficient than letting conflicts fester. For task 2 you need to discuss how you will resolve the conflict, address the following elements:

  • Ø Why is it important to never accuse, always enquire and agree on the nature and details of conflict with all parties and assess impact?
  • Ø Manage conflict within the scope of own role and responsibilities, and according to organizational procedures.
  • Ø Adopt a solution-focused approach to conflict within the scope of own role and responsibilities, seeking assistance where required.
  • Ø Discuss the potential impact of conflict on business reputation and legal liability.
  • Ø Why does your organization need to have options to resolve the conflict, taking into account organizational policies and constraints?
  • Ø Explain two reasons why contemporaneous notes must be kept and transferred into reports of the conflict.

Task 3: Evaluate conflict resolution.

Debriefing after every event is quite crucial and part of this will provide you an opportunity not only to assess your actions but to also look at how you may consider doing things differently to show the occasion arises. Consider your communication techniques; were they suitable? Describe how you will address the following elements:

  • Ø Why is it vital to communicate with parties involved to seek and provide feedback on conflict and its resolution as soon as possible after the event?
  • Ø Provide 2 methods to evaluate and reflect on the conflict and effectiveness of the solution.
  • Ø Why do we need to determine possible causes of workplace conflict and provide input for workplace enhancement and improvements?
  1. 1
  2. 2

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