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Benefits and Drawbacks of AI in Homework Assignment


Artificial Intelligence is one of the most emerging technologies in the modern world. In the future, it promises to bring revolutionary changes to mankind's history. Every year AI is getting more and more refined and intelligent as developers work hard on programming and making it as friendly as possible for humans. 

Today many sectors and industries are using AI to enhance their working capabilities and efficiency, among them education is one of the major sectors that rely upon AI. It is said by the year 2025, 47% of learning management tools will be AI-enabled. This will allow students and teachers to practice ideas and skills at their own pace which will help them identify their gaps in knowledge and improve upon it.

But is AI good for assisting in homework assignments? It’s one of the debatable topics when it comes to academics. One thing is certain using AI for cheating in assignments is not acceptable, although there are many ethical ways to use AI for academic purposes.

Many parents, teachers and other scholars hold different opinions regarding the use of AI, some say that it should be allowed to students as it can be used as an effective tool for research purposes and can gain significant knowledge and information.

Some say that AI is killing the creativity and enthusiasm of students to learn something new as they are becoming heavily dependent on technology hence causing a rise of concern.

So is there any solution for this emerging problem? Let’s delve into more details about the benefits and drawbacks of AI in academics and how teachers can make this tool effective for the use of students.

Benefits of using AI in homework assignments

For academic purpose there are many AI tools available online, some are free and are publically accessible and some tools which provide premium service are paid. Tools like these are helpful for students in many ways like

1. Can be used as a research tool 

Many assignments need deep research and AI is a perfect tool for that, with few clicks n number of data becomes accessible, if any information needs to be clarified or needs explanation on topics or concepts, AI has it all covered.

2. Real-time feedback

AI can provide real-time feedback, after completing assignment, student can upload it on website and then AI starts analyzing the work and provide feedback about readability, errors, clarity, grammar mistakes etc. 

3. Can be used to generate new idea

Students who create assignments from scratch and have no idea from where to start, AI tool can help them generate idea based on the prompts given by them.

4. Increased Efficiency

Students can learn new things and gain knowledge about the topics or concept related to their assignments, this will help them work efficiently. 

Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence in a homework assignment

1. Too much dependable on AI

Due to the large amount of data available online students don’t feel the need to write things on their own and as a result, they become dependable on the data provided by AI.

2. AI kills creativity

With the use of AI, unfortunately, students have stopped brainstorming ideas and are simply copying things from whatever the AI is generating, this ultimately encourages laziness and kills creativity. 

3. Inaccurate information 

AI is still in its developing phase so there are high chances of inaccuracy of data, students normally ignore these facts and copy-paste the data without bothering about cross-checking it, and hence end up doing the wrong assignment. 

4. Lack of Human Touch

AI language is generally machine-oriented and thus lacks human emotions and expression in the words. AI is more focused towards providing information and thus lacks connection with the readers whereas human content is more focused on building a connection with the reader.

What can be done to solve the problem?

1. Balance between AI and human creativity 

It is important to apply AI in a more thoughtful way rather than just copying and pasting. If used effectively it will surely complement the whole work in the end. It encourages a more hybrid approach which not only will improve the overall content but also reduce the chances of having any errors.

2. Teaching students to ethically use AI tool in schools and colleges 

AI is the future and it’s necessary to adapt with the emerging technology so it’s important to teach the younger generation about the proper use of AI and prepare them for the online world.

3. Using a combination of different types of assignment 

Incorporate different forms of assignments in terms of projects, continuous assessment, presentation etc. which will force students to use their creativity. 


Use of AI for writing assignments can provide significant advantage and disadvantage. If thoughtfully done the user can weigh both the pros and cons of AI and can effectively use to enhance the quality of writing. Users have to understand that AI should be treated as companion and not as a replacement solution which will foster growth and learning process.

In the end, effectively using AI into writing not only helps create top-notch results but also encourages ongoing personal and professional growth. This method is crucial for individuals who want to utilize the potential of AI in writing, guaranteeing that technology boosts human abilities instead of reducing them. 

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