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Media and internet information by VAH

Module Code: ELEC 30004

Module Name: Multimedia communications and IoT 

Level: 3 Max. 

Marks: 100

Instructions to Student

  •  Answer all questions.
  •  Deadline of submission: 29/11/2020 23:59
  •  The marks received on the assignment will be scaled down to the actual weightage of the assignment which is 50 marks.
  •  Formative feedback on the complete assignment draft will be provided if the draft is submitted at least 10 days before the final submission date.
  •  Feedback after final evaluation will be provided by 13/12/2020
  •  Question on Cisco packet tracer should be executed using the cisco packet tracer 7.3 tool and results should be attached to the assignment copy.

Module Learning Outcomes

The following Los is achieved by the student by completing the assignment successfully

  1.  Identify the sensors and other devices needed for different IoT solutions
  2.  Design basic electronic circuitry for IoT sensors and embedded controllers
  3.  Process digital information and apply compression algorithms
  4.  Use Matlab to design and implement multimedia information; and Use Network simulator (NS2, Top net, or another tool) for designing, implementing, and analyzing QOS for multimedia Communication.

Assignment Objective

This assignment will help to know student understanding in essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories related to multimedia information. The integration of multimedia technology into the communication environment has the potential to transform an audience from passive recipients of information to active participants in a media-rich learning process.


Module Code: ELEC 30004.2 Module Name: Multimedia communications and IoT Level: 3 Max. Marks: 100

Multimedia Communications and IoT (ELEC 30004.2) – FALL - 20 – CW (Assignment 1) – All -QP the above concepts can be considered as essential parts of any multimedia Assignment which requires more creative skills and high technology Video Production Secrets.

Assignment Tasks

Task 1

1. Submit a work proposal for this assignment on or before 01/11/2020 (23:59) which must include:

  •  Understanding of deliverables – a detailed description of deliverables. (2 Marks)
  •  General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of the solution to task2. (2 Marks)
  •  Timeline for completion of the given tasks. (1 Marks)

The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

Task 2

2. Submit the lab report for experiment2 and experiment 4 performed in the lab hours.

  • Software tools used are Matlab and Cisco packet tracer
  • Simulated output (5 Marks)
  • Reflection and conclusion (5 Marks)

Task 3

  1.   Assume a video signal displayed at 24-bit true color and where the resolution of the video is 320 x 240 pixels. Find the needed frames per second for uncompressed data desirable motion and also calculate storage capacity for 60-minute long video and send through the video network (05 Marks)
  2.   Assume an airline is carrying 1000 Kg DVDs from Muscat to Bangalore weighing 20 grams each. The distance and speed of the airline are 3900 km and 1300 Km/hour respectively.
  3. Determine the data rate of transmission in bits per second for the given system. The maximum data capacity of a Digital video disc is 4.7 GB. (10 Marks)
  4.  A dictionary-based LZW (Lempel–Ziv–Welch) compression scheme is required to transmit data related to ID numbers. The transmission consists of binary symbols {0, 1}. Show the dictionary (symbol sets plus associated codes) and output for LZW compression considering
  5. Multimedia Communications and IoT (ELEC 30004.2) – FALL - 20 – CW (Assignment 1) – All -QP the last three digits of your MEC ID. Calculate the compression ratio compared with ASCII code.
  6. Hint: If your MEC ID is 10F12051 then solve the question for the last three-digit number 051 (20 Marks)
  7. software company ABC requires to set up a network consisting of desktop pc, switch, router, server, and printer (optional) to build a local area network and wide area network. Assume the company has 3 floors and 5 computers on each floor. In addition to this, each floor has a server. To make a network local, connect computers first using the switch. Use fiber optic-cable for LAN (Local Area Network). Connect one printer to each floor and server computers should be connected with the router through the switch. Design and implement the network using Cisco packet tracer software. Simulate the network and check ping successfully for all the connections. (20 Marks)
  8.  Healthcare is one of the major industries that lead in the adoption of the Internet of Things technologies. Consider a private company planning to implement IoT in the health sector. What are the security characteristics and security challenges that the company should consider before the implementation of IoT? (15 Marks)
  9. Write a Matlab code for converting the white color of any image to red color. Display the input image and the output image in the same window.

[Hint: Create a binary mask and apply to channels for conversion of white color in an image to red] (15 Marks)

Rules & Regulations:

  •  All resources should be cited using CU Harvard style.
  •  The final assignment must have a Title page, Table of Contents, References/ bibliography using CU Harvard Style, and page numbers.
  •  Title Page must have Assignment Name, Module name, Session, your name, ID, and the name of the faculty.
  •  Softcopy in word format is to be submitted through the Turnitin link on Moodle.
  •  Viva will be conducted after the assignment submission as per the dates informed earlier. Guidelines:
  • The  Assignment must be computer typed.
  1. 1
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